Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Listening To Instruction

Deuteronomy 33:5 - The Lord became King in Israel - when the leaders of the people assembled, when the tribes of Israel gathered as one.

During the exodus from Egypt, Moses reminded the people to teach the laws and decrees to their children so that they would be passed down and not forgotten.  Here Moses reminds them that the Lord is the King of His people.  So why did they later ask Samuel to give them a king?  Either they didn't listen to what they were taught, or they weren't taught at all.  Perhaps they just forgot.  Or maybe a combination of all three...

Am I passing on my love and passion for God to the children I have influence over?  I don't have any kids of my own, but I do have a couple nephews and a niece that would benefit greatly from hearing God's Word and His promises (but then again, who wouldn't?).  I love when I see the people I know from my church, taking the time to spend time in God's Word with their kids.  They aren't just relying on the kid's ministry at church to do it for them.  They are taking an active role in the spiritual well-being of their kids.  This is such a blessing to see them living out the commands of Moses, 3,000 years after they were given.  This obedience to God's Word and instructions are a great example that I, and everyone, should be following.

Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder today that I need to be doing more for the ones that I have the power to share Your Word with.  Although you haven't blessed me with children of my own, I still have the responsibility to share these things with the ones that are in my life.  Please give me the wisdom and the words to be an effective teacher to them.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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