Thursday, July 4, 2013

Great Instruction

Joshua 1:8 - Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it.  Only then will you prosper and succeed.

God's instructions to Joshua here are crucial instructions for us as well.  He tells Joshua to study the Book of Instruction daily and that if he obey's it, he will be prosperous and successful.  This is great instructions for all of us.  If we aren't studying His Word, then how can we say we know God (as finitely as we are able to, at least).  How can we say that we have any understanding of God's love and grace for us, if we aren't studying about it?

I cannot say enough how much reading the Bible has meant to me.  Even though I was saved over 15 years ago, I never really ready my Bible until about 4 years ago, and even then sporadically.  I have now been in His Word every day for the last 436 days, and I have learned more about living than I ever thought I knew.  I have learned so much about God's love and mercy and grace, and because of that, I am truly saved.  I know I am not perfect about obeying it sometimes, and I never will be perfect.  But knowing how much God loves me and wants me to be with Him in His Glorious Kingdom makes me strive that much harder to meditate on His Word day and night, and to strive harder to obey.  Only then, will I prosper and succeed.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for giving us all Your Word.  I realize that through it I can truly have an understanding of who You are, and what You have done for me.  Even though I know I am not worthy, Your love and grace have made me worthy.  I know You will never fail me or abandon me, and I will strive harder to know You more and love You more and obey You more.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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