Saturday, November 30, 2013

Overwhelming Blessings

2 Chronicles 9:3 - When the queen of Sheba realized how wise Solomon was, and when she saw the palace he had built, she was overwhelmed.

When our hearts are right with God, His blessings can be overwhelming.  But in a good way.  Everyone has their daily grind and can feel overwhelmed by it from time to time.  But when we give the overwhelming burdens to God and trust in His healing and comfort, He blesses us because of our faith.  He blesses us in ways that shine to others.  When we are feeling those overwhelming blessings, we should share them with others and not hold them in.  Some might take take it as boastful, but it isn't.  It's showing them how much God will abundantly bless us for our faith.

Have I shared the joy of my abundant blessings with others?  I sure have.  I love sharing the amazing ways in which God works in my life.  It might be taken the wrong way, but it shouldn't be.  I love to encourage others in their faith, and showing my joy and strength in the Lord is one way for me to do it.

Dear Lord, thank You for the abundant blessings You have poured out in my life.  You have overwhelmed me with Your love and grace, and I am happy to share that joy with others.  I want everyone to experience the same joy I have because of You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Don't Go For Broke

James 2:10 - For a person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God's laws.

A sin is a sin is a sin.  All sins are equally bad.  We can't justify our sin by saying, "Well at least I didn't kill someone."  It doesn't work that way.  God hates the sin, not the sinner.  He hates all sin.  And we should never say, "Well I did this, I might as well go for broke and get it out of my system."  Never go for broke.  You're never going to get it out of your system.  Instead of going for broke, go for rich.

What do I mean by going for rich?  I certainly don't mean material wealth.  I mean aim for being rich in His love, His mercy, His grace, and His salvation.  That is the only thing that will ever save you.  How?  Confess your sins to God, repent and turn from your old way of doing things, so God can bless you abundantly.  That's what He wants more than anything - to bless you beyond your wildest dreams.  God will always love you - ALWAYS.  But if you aren't trying to become more like Christ who is rich in love, mercy, grace, and salvation, He won't bless you.  We should always be seeking these things.

Dear Lord, thank You for loving me despite my best efforts to make it difficult to do so.  I pray that I will keep my heart focused on Your love, mercy, grace, and salvation, so that when I do make mistakes (not if), I will know to confess and repent.  I want to always be seeking Your righteousness and showing others what true love really is.  I know I can do this by Your strength, and not my own.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanks For Everything

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

We are commanded by God's will to be thankful for everything.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  Be thankful for what you don't have, as well as for what you do.  The things we don't have are because they aren't part of God's perfect plan for us.  And that is what we should always be seeking.  We should never complain about things (easier said than done sometimes), because complaining turns our hearts away from worshiping our Lord and Savior.  Instead, we need to be thanking Him for everything.

Over the past month (almost), a lot of people have been doing a '30 days of thankful' thing on various social media networks.  I couldn't do that.  For starters, 30 days of thankfulness just doesn't sum it up for me.  I am thankful 365 days a year, and I know that if I tried to list one thing at a time for 30 days, someone or something would get missed.  My 365 days of thankfulness to the Lord is quite a long list, and the best way to sum it up in prayer to Him is to just say thanks for everything.  That is the only way I can think of to make sure that nothing gets left out.

Dear Father, thank You for EVERYTHING.  Thank You for Your unfailing love and grace that I have felt in my heart since I turned my life over to You.  Thirty days of one thing at a time just aren't enough for me.  You know my heart, and You know it belongs to You because of everything You have done (and not done) for me.  I am forever changed, and forever grateful because of Your abundant blessings in my life.  In Jesus' precious, powerful, and Holy name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Joyful Helper

Psalm 94:17-18 - Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have settled in the silence of the grave.  I cried out, "I am slipping!" but Your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.

God loves to help us.  I love how this passage says that God's unfailing love supports us.  God is the best example of a joyful giver.  When we slip or backslide in our faith, it hurts God.  But when we come to Him, He gets joy out of helping us back to our feet.  He does it with a great big smile on His face.  It reminds me of the story of Job.

At the end of Job's story, it says that God restored to Job twice as much as he had before.  He was never angry with Job, and He never tested him either.  He allowed Satan to test him so that God could show Satan what real faith was like.  God knew that Job had the right heart for Him, and He blessed him for it.  The Lord loves to give us abundant blessings when our hearts are rightly aimed at Him.

God's abundant blessings are His way of helping us.  And He does it out of His unfailing love for us.  He picks us up off the scrap heap.  He rescues us from the silence of the grave.  And He does it with a big smile on His face.  The smile of a joyful helper.

Is my heart aimed correctly at God?  I desire His blessings in my life and He has shown Himself faithful to me with His unfailing love.  I need to make sure that every part of me is turned towards Him.

Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder of Your love and support.  I cannot do this on my own, and I am beyond blessed to know that You are there for me every step of the way.  Please help me to keep my heart focused on You every minute of every day, so that all I do will honor You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

All By His Power

2 Corinthians 10:4 - We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.

In this letter to the Corinthians, Paul points out that there is nothing that man can do or physically possess that will win victories for God.  It is all about God's mightiest weapon - His Word.  That is what wins souls for Christ.  His Word, when shared, will penetrate people's hearts and lead them to accept Christ as their Savior and repent of their sins.  The Word of God opens the door to His Kingdom.

Although I was saved over 15 years ago, I didn't really have any kind of relationship with Jesus Christ until about 4 years ago.  For reasons unknown to me (at the time), I started getting this urge (for lack of a better term) to open up my Bible and start reading.  The Book of Isaiah was what I read first.  That book is filled with so much great stuff.  Even after spending a couple of years being in and out of the Bible, it wasn't until I finally found a great church, and heard the Word of God taught in a way that it finally made sense.  Hearing and understanding God's Word has opened the doors to His Kingdom for me, and I am forever changed by it.  I can't imagine going a day without reading and studying His Word.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for Your Promises.  I have been so blessed over the last few years to really come to know You better, and understand all the great things You have planned for me and my life.  Please use me to share Your Word with others who don't know it, so that they will come to see Your love for them as I have.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Watch What You Say

Ephesians 4:29 - Don't use foul or abusive language.  Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

The words that come out of our mouth say what's in our heart.  We are commanded to build each other up, not tear each other down.  We have to watch what we are saying, because we don't know how bad it could really hurt someone.  There is nothing wrong with speaking the truth and telling someone what's on our mind, but we should be doing it in love not sarcasm.

Guilty, guilty, guilty...I have a mouth like a sailor sometimes, and a fairly sarcastic wit.  I remember my mom used to always tell me (more times than I care to remember) that if I didn't have anything nice to say then I shouldn't say anything.  So, even before I came to know Jesus Christ, I was always being told to watch what I say.  I came across references to how our words affect others in a couple of different devotionals this morning.  God's obviously trying to say something to me.  I have to be mindful what I am saying.  Certain jokes and being a smart mouth just isn't right.  I, or others, might find it funny at the time, but those aren't the words I should be saying to other people.  Those words could be hurting someone, and I'm supposed to be helping them.  Whether or not they tell me it hurt them, doesn't mean it didn't.  I need to be mindful of what I'm saying and how I'm saying it.  The last thing I should ever want to do is tear somebody down when they need to be built up by the love of Christ.

Dear Lord, thank You for this.  Thank You for Your gentle reminders to be doing things in love, and to be careful that I'm not breaking someone down.  Please give me the strength to be mindful of my words by working on my heart so that it is focused on Your love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Obeying His Commands

Galatians 6:2 - Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

In the message my Pastor shared with us this week, he spoke of the reason's for being in community with each other.  Why we are supposed to be doing life together and not alone.  This passage he referred to here really stuck with me all weekend.

As much as I try to disconnect myself from other people, it's not the way God designed me.  Or anyone else for that matter.  In Genesis 2, God says that it isn't good for us to be alone.  He created us to need one another.

Proverbs tells us iron sharpens iron (27:17).  We are supposed to be there for each other.  Share each other's burdens.  Just because we may not have all experienced the exact same things in life, does not mean that we couldn't offer a different perspective to a problem.

I know my heart is in the right place with my relationship with God, but am I doing it right?  I don't think I really have been.  I should be seeking to obey all of His commands, not just the ones that I feel work for me. It is my responsibility to work them into my daily life, not make them work according to how I need them to.  It's all about His will for me, and He wants me to do life with others, not alone.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for this message this weekend.  It was something I really needed to hear to be reminded not to isolate myself so much from everyone.  Give me the heart to obey Your commands and seek Your will in all aspects of my life.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doing It Right

2 Chronicles 1:12 - I will certainly give you the wisdom and knowledge you requested.  But I will also give you wealth, riches, and fame such as no other king has had before you or will ever have in the future.

Solomon was doing it right.  He didn't ask for material pleasures and desires.  He asked for wisdom so that he could properly care for God's people.  This made God happy, and He blessed Solomon abundantly more than he could have ever hoped for.  That's what God promises to do for all of us.

When we seek God's will for our lives, and His wisdom and discernment to guide us, He will bless us abundantly.  The spiritual gifts that we are all given are to be used to help each other (1 Corinthians 12).  When we use them how they were intended, it makes God happy, and He will bless us.

Am I seeking His will regularly, or just when I need it?  Do I make it a point to ask for His wisdom and knowledge to guide me, or do I just wing it on my own from time to time.  I have to make it a point to do it according to His plan, and not my guesswork.  He knows far more than I ever could figure out on my own in 10 lifetimes.  I have to make sure I am seeking Him and His glory so that I can receive His blessings.

Dear Lord, thank You for the reminder to be seeking You for everything I do, and not just most of it.  I want to do it right according to Your will and purpose, and I want to use my spiritual gifts to bless others.  Please guide me wherever You need me.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

His Approval

Galatians 1:10 - Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God.  If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.

Paul had it right in this passage.  Never seek the approval of people.  People will let you down, but God never does.  We do things a certain way because we are seeking the favor of God.  He knows better than anyone could and when we seek to be His servant, He promises to reward us in His Heavenly Kingdom.

As someone who works in a secular job (as do most of us), am I seeking Christ's approval or the favor people?  Am I seeking to do things for His glory, or for the paycheck that I get every couple of weeks?  God knows my heart, and I pray that when He examines it, He will see that I am striving to be His servant, and not money's servant.  I can only serve one master, and I choose God.

Dear Lord, I pray for the strength and wisdom to continue to serve You in all that I do.  Please protect me from going down the dark path of servitude to false promises, and keep me on Your path of righteousness.  I know that I will never be perfect in this world, but with Your grace and mercy, I know You will pick me up when I stumble and fall.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Sin Problem - But A Great Solution

Psalm 78:40 - Oh, how often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness and grieved His heart in that dry wasteland.

Despite God's repeated rescue and protection of His chosen people, they continued to reject His ways and turn to sinful practices.  While they were periodically punished for this (and rightfully so), the important thing in this passage, was they were breaking God's heart.  It hurt Him to see His people rebel the way they did.

What I love best about this passage is in Verses 52 & 53, it tells us that despite this, God still led His people and kept them safe in the wilderness while He destroyed their enemies.  Now that's love.  God had great things for His people, and He wasn't going to let sin keep His people separated from His love.  He forgave them, redeemed them, and kept them safe.  He would have certainly been justified to let them go at their own peril, but He didn't because He loved them.

He still does that today.  He showed us the ultimate act of love when He sacrificed His Son on the cross for the sake of all of us.  When I think about things like this passage and then think about Jesus' sacrifice, it really warms my heart.  To think that He did that 2000 years ago for me.  I couldn't even say that I was a gleam in my father's eye at that point.  But I was a gleam in my Father's eye.  He did it thinking about me.  And you.  And all of us...

Dear Abba Father, thank You for giving us all so many second chances.  I pray that You will use me for Your glory, so that I can show everyone I encounter every day what it means to have a Father that loves them more than anything, and made the biggest sacrifice anyone could ever make, to demonstrate that love for them.  It is all for Your glory and Your kingdom.  In Jesus' powerful name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner

Jude 1:23 - Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgement.  Show mercy to still others, but do so with caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.

We need to love people to Christ, not judge them.  NO ONE on this planet is qualified to judge anyone.  Furthermore, God NEVER asks us to.  We cannot judge someone just because they sin differently than us.  There is a difference between acceptance and approval.  We should ALWAYS accept the sinner, but NEVER approve of the sin.  The sin comes with the person - it's a package deal.  All we can do is love them and pray that they can turn from their sinful behaviors that are leading them down the dark path.

Anyone that says that ANY sin other than the rejection of God is an abomination or unforgivable is wrong.  If there is any confusion about that, read that last sentence again.  Jesus' own words in Mark 3:28-29 tells us that all sin and blasphemy can be forgiven except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  The key words there are ALL and FORGIVEN.  He didn't say SOME or MOST.  And He didn't say ACCEPTABLE.  God hates the sin, but He loves the sinner.  He loves us sinners so much that He offers us redemption whenever we sin if we are honest and confess our sins to Him.

There are some reading this that will speculate as to which sin I'm referring to specifically.  As Jesus said, ALL sin.  Before any of us go around slapping people with our righteous paintbrush, remember that EVERYONE sins.  Love them to Christ, don't hate them away from Him.  God accepts the sinner, who are we not to?

Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder that I am no better than anyone else.  The last thing I want to do is overstep my boundaries and start judging people.  Give me the love in my heart that I need to help bring people to know You, and not scare them away.  I want everyone to be part of our family, and I know that once You get a hold of their heart, it will happen.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Future

Psalm 78:4 - We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.

It is important for us to teach our kids properly.  It is our duty to teach them with biblical truths so that they will come to know the truth about God as we have come to know it.

I don't have kids of my own, but that doesn't mean I have any less responsibility when it comes to teach kids God's truth.  I am around kids all the time, and they are like sponges soaking up everything around them.  I have a responsibility to model Christlike behavior to them.  And I can't fake it either, because kids can usually see through phoniness pretty good.  I am blessed to serve with the next generation ministry at my church, and I hope and pray that my behavior is seen as an example of God's love for everyone.  I pray that my heart is right and my behavior matches the words coming out of my mouth.  I know that I am being given a great opportunity by God every time I walk out the door, and I need to act like it.

Dear Lord, thank You for the opportunities You have given me to have an influence on the future of Your Kingdom.  Please continue to work on my heart so that it is in the right place for service to Your children.  Give me the wisdom and the words to model Your love for all those I encounter.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Show Me

Psalm 139:24 - Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

David's thoughts here are so right on point.  He didn't want to keep on sinning.  He wanted his heart to be right before God and he knew that the only way that could happen, was if God showed him where he was falling short.  He knew he couldn't rely on his own understanding, because as a sinful human being by nature, it was a flawed point of view.  He trusted in the only perfect opinion and point of view that he knew existed - God's...

How often have I relied on my own understanding of sin in my life to try and fix my problems?  Far too much, that's for sure.  I might be able to see some of the things I am doing wrong, but I will never be able to see them all.  God will happily show me when I ask Him.  He doesn't want to correct me just for the sake of Him being right and me being wrong.  He wants to do it so that I will stay on the path of everlasting life.  He doesn't want me to stray from home.  I need to remember not to trust it when I look at myself.  I will always have blinders on blocking my whole view.  God's view is perfect and unadulterated.  He sees everything, and will gladly point out what is slowing me down or holding me up when I ask Him to.  But I have to ask Him to...

Dear Lord, where am I lacking?  What is slowing me down from living the abundant and blessed life You have for me?  I know that You will point out where I am and where I need to be when I ask You to.  Show me the path I need to be on for the everlasting life in Your Glorious Kingdom.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Never Forget

Psalm 103:2 - Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me.

This can be tough sometimes.  The problem we often have, is that we're human...all of us (hold off on the ex-wife jokes).  When things aren't going our way, or at least the way we feel they should be going, we have a tendency to try to fix them ourselves.  I would make a rough guess estimate that 99% of people do this.  The other 1%...well they're probably lying about it...

It's very easy to say, "Well God isn't listening anymore."  Or perhaps, "He's given up on me."  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Ephesians 2:4-9 reminds us that Jesus is not JUST our Lord and Savior (as if that wasn't enough...), but He's also our partner.  He gave us life and allows us to sit with Him in Heaven.  He saved us by His special favor.  He didn't do that because He was bored and lookin for kicks on a Friday night.  He wants us to be partners with Him in our journey through life and into His Glorious Kingdom.  We have to remind ourselves to not forget that we are NEVER in this by ourselves.  He is ALWAYS listening, and He will NEVER give up on us.  If we aren't hearing the answers we THINK we should be hearing from God, I see it as one of two possibilities: 1) We aren't asking the right questions, or 2) He's giving us the right answers (He always does), just not OUR answers.

We have to remind ourselves of all the good He has done for us, and will continue to do for us when we are staying in tune with His will and purpose for us.  We start by diving into His word daily, letting go of ourselves to be trusting and obedient to Him in everything.  We should seek His will in all we do, not ask Him to change His will to what our perception of His will should be.

How about me?  Am I truly seeking HIS will and purpose for my life?  It can be difficult, but I have to keep reminding myself of all the good (see GREAT) things He has done for me throughout my life (everyday).  He will continue to show me down the right path when I am staying true to Him, and making sure that I give Him all the praise and glory He deserves.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for this.  I catch myself often forgetting (more often than I would like to admit) of all the amazing and awesome things You have orchestrated on my behalf throughout the years.  Please give me the wisdom to remember You in everything, and give you the praise, honor, and glory that You have so richly earned and deserve.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Never Alone

Psalm 34:18 - The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

God is always with us.  When we feel like we have been left alone to deal with whatever trial we are facing, we aren't.  The people we call our friends may disappear, but that doesn't mean we are left to figure things out by ourselves.  When things like that happen, they aren't excuses to give up on God.  They are opportunities to trust and rely on His promises even more.

He will never allow us to carry more than we can handle.  Jesus told us that the burden He gives us is light (Matthew 11:30).  It may not feel that way at times, but it's true.  Nothing we are going through can not be overcome by God.  But we have to seek Him.  We have to ask for Him to help us.  God doesn't show up where He isn't invited.  But when we invite Him, He is there in an instant.  He wraps us up in His arms like a loving parent.  He has promised to always be with us (Matthew 28:20), and He doesn't lie.  He doesn't tell us things we need to hear just to make us feel better.  He tells us things that are always true, and though we may struggle to see them that way at the time, when we take the time to reflect on them, they make us feel better, and they are always right.

I have always struggled with feelings of loneliness.  When these times come, it can be difficult for me to pick up my Bible.  But I have to do it.  The promises in these passages renew my strength.  There are days (like today), where I don't want to get out of bed and take care of things that I have to do.  These passages give me new life.  Just like God gave me new life when I accepted His Son as my Savior.  I could never give up on God.  He has always been there for me.  He doesn't want me to lay around.  He wants me to get up and get out.  He died so I can live...not so I can mope.

Dear Father, thank You for sending me these words when I needed to hear them.  You are always faithful, and You always know what I need to hear at the perfect time.  I pray that as I am out and about today, I can be a beacon for Your light to shine through for others to see.  Use me according to Your will and purpose.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Move Closer

2 Corinthians 4:8 - We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.  We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.

We all face issues in our everyday lives.  Some worse than others, but almost all of them result in the same question.  Why?  Why is this happening to me?  Why can't I catch a break?  This chapter of 2 Corinthians explains it well in verses 10,11,12,14, and 15.  It is all for the glory of God.  These issues should help us move closer to God.  To trust in Him more.  He has promised to heal us.  He will raise us from the dead so that we can have eternal life with Him.  Jesus Himself said we would face trials and tribulations, but that we are not to worry, because He has overcome them all.

Some people say it isn't fair that we should "suffer" all the time.  Was it "fair" that Jesus suffered and died a brutal death?  What's more, was it "fair" that He did it for us?  He did it so that we would have the opportunity to claim our place in Heaven with Him.  We deserved no such thing, but all because of His love and grace, He went through that so that we could be made right by Him when we believe in Him and accept His FREE gift into our hearts.  I think that deserves a little bit of glory.  Actually, I think it deserves A LOT of glory...all that we can give.  He gave it all for us...

Am I using the opportunity to praise Him and give God the glory when I have problems come up?  I have to look at them as opportunities to reinforce my faith, not abandon it.  I have to trust Him more, not less, when I am given the opportunity to do so.

Dear Lord, thank You for the AMAZING second chance You have given me and all of us.  We could never deserve it, but You endured so much because You loved us.  I pray that I will take every chance I get to give you the glory and honor You deserve.  I know I will never be perfect, and I will fall from time to time, but I trust that You will always be there to catch me and put me back on my feet and on the right (Your) path.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Always There

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

This is a great promise that God doesn't change.  He is always there for us.  He always loves us and wants to protect and care for us.  Always has been, always is, and always will be.  He is indeed our rock and our place of refuge.

There are some people that wonder why He doesn't change to suit the times we live in, that life is different and more complicated than it was when the Bible was written.  But that's not entirely true.  God doesn't need to change for us - He's perfect.  We need to change for Him - we are the ones with the sin problem.  We are the ones who have made things more complicated, but the bottom line is still the same - sin.  God is faithful to forgive us when we confess our sins to Him, repent, and accept Him into our lives.  He always has, always does, and always will.

Am I making things more complicated for my life, or am I trusting in the One who makes things simple for me?  I know I DEFINITELY have a tendency to over-think things, but God doesn't want me to do that.  He doesn't need me to do the thinking for Him.  He already has everything planned out for me, He just wants me to trust in His plans for me, and give Him the glory when I succeed - and I will succeed when I am living according to His purpose.

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me that You are always there for me yesterday, today, and forever.  I pray for Your continued guidance and blessings in my life so that I will go according to Your will and purpose for me.  Thank You for Your love and grace.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hot Pursuit

Psalm 23:6 - Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

This Psalm is a great reminder that God is always in pursuit of us.  He always loves us, and wants us to have the blessed life that He has planned for us.  He wants us to live in His house forever, because He wants to take care of us.  But it's a two-way street.  We have to want that life for ourselves as well.  We have to be in hot pursuit of Him and His Righteous Spirit.  God will always be there for us, but we have to be looking for Him.

Am I looking for Him?  Am I truly seeking His kingdom, His glory, His love...His blessings?  Am I doing it for the right reasons?

Lord, You know my heart.  You know that I want You to be glorified, because this is Your life, not mine.  Give me the strength, courage, and wisdom to keep my heart and mind focused on You and Your Kingdom.  On Your glory.  On Your love.  And on Your blessings.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Be A Blessing, Not A Burden

Psalm 69:6 - Don't let those who trust in You be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign Lord of Heaven's Armies.  Don't let me cause them to be humiliated, O God of Israel.

David's heart for his fellow man is a great example we should all be striving to emulate.  David knew his shortcomings.  He knew he didn't measure up to God's standards.  He knew he was an unworthy sinner like the rest of us.  He also didn't want anyone to fall away from their faith and trust in God because of the bad choices he made, and the example he set.  He was more concerned with their salvation than his own.  What a heart...

Is my heart like this?  Am I more concerned with the well-being of other souls more than my own?  I think I could use some improvement in this area.  I know I can love more.  I should want to be a blessing to others, not a burden.

Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder that I need to be seeking Your favor by loving Your people more.  I pray that You will use me to be a blessing to others, and that I will not cause anyone to stumble and backslide.  Use me to be a good example of Your love to those I encounter on a daily basis.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Perfect Timing

Esther 4:14 - If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die.  Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?

Mordecai's message to Queen Esther went straight to her heart.  She was worried that if she got involved by going to the King without an invitation, it would cost her life.  Mordecai reminded her that she was in the place she was, because that's where God wanted her to be.  If she didn't do anything, she was sure to die, and the Jews would be rescued by someone else.  But if she worked on behalf of her people, God's people, God would take care of her.  Mordecai knew that they would be rescued one way or the other because God had already said they would.  He reminded Esther that God orchestrated her being in the place she was in to be used for His greater purpose.

I love reading the story of Esther.  It really is a great one of God orchestrating things to rescue His chosen people.  People may wonder why would He bother?  Because of His love for them.  He took what others had meant for evil and made it work for the good of those whom He loved and had chosen for His Kingdom (see Joseph).

God does that for us too.  I often times find myself thinking about where I am in my life, and ask myself if this where I am really supposed to be.  I am sure a lot of us do this.  We wonder if this is it.  Is this all God has for us.  No...He doesn't.  He has great and mighty things for us (Jeremiah 33).  He has put us EXACTLY where He wants us so that we can work for His people and His Kingdom.  That is what we have all been called to do.

I supervise a warehouse that ships out textbooks and curriculum to schools. How could I possibly be serving God's purpose there?  Well, in a lot of ways.  I am contributing to the education of kids that need it, and otherwise wouldn't get it from other places.  I work with people that could always benefit from hearing about and seeing God's love.  My schedule affords me the opportunity to further my education.  I look at this as God preparing me for bigger and better responsibilities based on the gifts and talents He has given me.  And I am happy to accept these responsibilities, because I trust that He has put me in the position I am in, and is orchestrating me into other positions in the future, to benefit His chosen people and His Kingdom.  No place I'd rather be...

Dear Abba Father, thank You for Your amazing blessings.  I know there is nothing I could ever do to deserve what You have done for me.  It is all by Your grace and mercy, and I am forever grateful for everything You have done for me, and are doing for me.  I pray that I will be a blessing to others, and beacon of Your light to shine on everyone I encounter.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Paid In Full

Psalm 111:9 - He has paid a full ransom for His people.  He has guaranteed His covenant with them forever.  What a holy, awe-inspiring name He has!

God paid for our freedom.  He paid our ransom in full even though we didn't deserve it and could never earn it.  In 1 Peter 1, the Apostle tells us that He paid this ransom with something more precious than gold or silver, but with the blood of Jesus.  Beyond this, God continues to bless us for our obedience.  In Ephesians 3, Paul reminds us that God will accomplish more through us than we could ever think of.  All it takes is obedience and surrender to His will.

This is something I desire more than anything, that God will use me for His glory.  I know He can and will, all it takes is me being obedient and surrendered.  He paid my ransom in full before I was ever born.  He was thinking of me when He offered Jesus up as a sacrifice.  How could I not want to be a part of that?!  How could I not want to be a beacon of His light shining in this world..  I want to know and experience all that He has for me.  Nothing in this world could ever fulfill me as God's perfect plan for me does.

Dear God, thank You so much for thinking of me so long ago.  Thank You for freeing me from a pointless life and giving me exceedingly more to live for and look forward to than I could ever find in this world.  Please give me the wisdom and strength to be obedient to Your perfect will and purpose for me.  Give me the courage to be a shining light of Your love to everyone I encounter on a daily basis.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

No More

Colossians 3:7 - You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world.

Life was so different before Christ was at the center of it.  Like any change, especially big ones, their is a difficult period of adjustment.  There were, and in some cases still are, parts of my old way of thinking and doing things that have been difficult to change.  I struggle with telling myself 'No More'.  I have gotten better about praying myself through things.  I know that the power and strength of Christ will get me through difficult times.  But I have to let Him.  I have to remember that I didn't just accept Christ into my heart, I accepted Him into my life as well.  I asked Him to be at the center of everything for me.  I need to make sure I am acting like it.  I have to live how He wants me to live, not how I want it to go.  God will always love me, but if I'm not doing things His way, He won't bless me.  I want those blessings.  I SHOULD want those blessings.

If you're struggling with your life in Christ, know that you are not alone.  We all have struggles.  Not everyone's struggles are the same, but they are all still there.  Know that you have brothers and sisters in Christ that want to be there for you and pray for you and love you.  Don't be afraid to reach out for help.  Don't hesitate to talk to God about it.  That's what He wants you to do.  He doesn't want you to try and handle things the way you used to.  As this passage says clearly, "You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world."  It's not part of this world anymore.  Your life is part of the Body of Christ.  Tell yourself no more.  Tell Satan that you're going to ask God to get you through it, because that's what He does best.

Dear Lord, thank You for this.  I had no idea what You were going to show me in Your Word today, and I am so blessed by Your guiding hand.  I love when I am stuck and I ask You to show me.  You have shown me such great things, and given me more to say than I thought I could.  These are Your words, not mine, and I am blessed to have You share them through me.  Thank You so much for Your blessings.  In Jesus' precious, Holy, and powerful name I thank You.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not A Letdown

Romans 5:5 - And this hope will not lead to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.

God does not disappoint us.  When our lives change because we die to our old life and begin a new one in God's family, there can be a tough transition.  Any radical change can be very difficult.  We often feel that we have been let down because we had so much fun in our old life.  Was it really that much fun?  Was our meaningless purpose really worth preserving?  I would emphatically say no!  When we are saved by our faith in Jesus Christ, our life takes on real meaning and purpose.  God will never let us down.  We learn to enjoy life in new ways.  If our old friends don't want to be a part of that, THEY are the ones missing out.  God will never let us down.  Jesus never said life in His family and His service would be easy, He just promised that it would be worth it.  And boy, is it ever...

One of my biggest struggles when I started my new life with Jesus, was getting rid of my old ways.  My old habits and behaviors.  I still have problems with it from time to time, but not nearly like I used to.  God has shown me that He is worth it, and He is not a letdown.  I have exceedingly more happiness with Him in one day, than I ever had in my whole life without Him.  That sounds like a lopsided trade in my favor...but He doesn't mind.  He loves me that much.  As long as I keep my eye on His prize, I will remember that He is worth it.  I will remember that I can accomplish ANYTHING by His power that He wants for me.  And He wants me to be happy.  To find joy in Him.  And I have.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for giving me the joy and happiness that I never could find anywhere else.  I know that it felt like I was happy sometimes before I accepted You in my life, but I wasn't.  I am SO MUCH better off for leaving my old ways and old life behind me for a new life filled with Your love and grace.  Thank you for never letting me down.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Never Useless

Philippians 2:16 - Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

Nothing we do for God's Kingdom is ever useless.  Paul reminds us here that no matter what we have to endure in this life, it is all worth it.  We will be vindicated by Christ for doing His will.  In the song "This Life" by Mercy Me, he says, "Every moment is a chance to let Your light break through."  He goes on to say, "I'll live everyday just to make You known."  We should all be striving to shine for God in this world to those who don't know Him.  Jesus told us to go and share the Good (see great) News and make disciples.  This wasn't one of those 'when you get a chance' requests.  This was a command.  It will never be useless or in vain.

Am I shining for God?  I am I letting His light break through me to others around me that don't know Him, or have maybe given up on Him?

Dear Lord, please use me to shine for You.  I want nothing more than to have Your light shining through me to others.  I want more brothers and sister's in Your Heavenly Kingdom.  Give me the right heart and words to share Your Good News to everyone that needs to hear it.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Accidentally Perfect???

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

I love reading about God's creation of the universe.  I recently took a science class at school.  It was environmental science and it briefly touched on the theory of evolution.  Something just never made sense to me all these years when people talk about different ways our solar system and humanity came into being.  Ideas like the Big Bang Theory and Darwinism just don't make sense.  Are we seriously expected to believe that everything came into being on accident?  And in a perfect way?

Earth is the only planet capable of sustaining life in our galaxy, and it largely has to do with our location from the Sun.  That happened on accident?!  Not a chance!  God put earth exactly where it is because that's exactly where He wanted to it to be.  One thing I have grown to believe through my faith in Jesus Christ, is that NOTHING happens on accident.  It is ALL according to God's will and purpose.  He put our little blue globe exactly where it was supposed to be.  He created us exactly how He wanted us to be.  We were made perfectly in His image.  Our own free will and sinful desires are what removed our perfection.

As hard as it is to do things the right way (anything at all), for us to believe that the universe came into being as an accident, our planet was coincidentally formed in the perfect place to sustain life, and that we were put on this earth by chance, is plain silliness.  I know that some of what I say here will not be liked by others, and at the risk of not sounding like a Christian, I simply don't care.  I will never speak about anything contrary to the truth of God's word, and if that's a problem for anyone then there are other issues that they may need to deal with before they worry about me offending them.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for doing everything exactly how You wanted it.  Thank You for giving us this beautiful home to tend and care for until we return to Your Heavenly Kingdom.  I pray for Your continued love and guidance for us all, and that those who don't know You will come to understand Your beautiful and perfect plans for them.  I believe that nothing happens perfectly on accident, and that it is all according to Your perfect will.  Thank You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Never - Period

1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Never stop praying.

Prayer is our essential communication with God.  Just as in any relationship, communication is the key to success.  Divorce may have various causes, but the central theme in divorce is a breakdown in communication.  People believe they are not happy in their marriage, so they find other ways, things, or people to make them happy.  However, if they would communicate more with their spouse, they would vastly improve their odds of fixing the problem.  The same can be said of our relationship with God.  We are the bride of Christ, and He loves to communicate with His spouse.  He loves to hear from us.  And prayer is how we talk to Him.  Never stop praying.  Never.

Having been divorced twice, I can say that I believe that communication is absolutely crucial to the success of a marriage.  Having been saved and then spending 11 years not walking with Christ, I can say that I believe that prayer is absolutely crucial to developing a healthy relationship with our Lord and Savior.  Even though I was saved, I spent all those years not talking to God, and not studying His Word.  The last four years have been a whirlwind of blessings.  Even though I was saved, I have now been truly found, because I took the time to communicate with my Heavenly Father.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for listening.  Thank You for never giving up on me even though I totally deserved it.  Thank You for always being there when I reached out to speak to You and get to know You.  I was lost, but now I am found because of Your unfailing love and devotion to me.  All praise, honor, and glory to You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

He Does It All

Jeremiah 17:14 - O Lord, if You heal me, I will be truly healed; if You save me, I will be truly saved.  My praises are for You alone!

This is a great reminder that God can and will do it all when our hearts are turned toward Him in faith.  Like the woman who was suffering and just wanted to touch Jesus' robe (Mark 5), Jesus told her that her faith had healed her.  Whatever problem we are dealing with, God will take care of it.  He will not allow us to go beyond our breaking point, although it may feel like it sometimes.  He won't be the one testing us, but He allows the trial to go on to strengthen us.  To strengthen our faith and trust in His healing and saving power.

Am I being patient and trusting in God to heal and save me?  Being patient and trusting during times of trial, are a great way to show obedience to my God, so why do I struggle with it sometimes?  It has always been difficult for me to be patient and let God work.  One o  the first steps in recovery is admitting that you are wrong, and I will readily admit that I am stubborn and proud.  There is no way I can succeed without God working in my life.  I must be patient and trusting in Him to heal me, to save me, to rescue me.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for reminding me that my patience and trust are sometimes lacking, and fall short of Your standards.  But You don't abandon me like You would be more than justified to do.  You continue to love me, and heal me, and save me.  All I can do is praise You for Your greatness, and ask You for Your forgiveness.  Please give me the wisdom to seek You first in all I do, and to trust in You for all I need.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

No Means Yes

John 14:13-14 - You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.  Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!

Sometimes, we don't get what we pray for.  Often times, we misunderstand why this happens.  It isn't because Jesus doesn't love us, or He wants to be mean, or anything even remotely close to that.  His no usually means yes.  He says no for some things because He has better (see perfect) plans for us that promise us a great future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11), and He is working everything out for our good because we love Him (Romans 8:28).  But more importantly, because He loves us.  When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, He showed us the right way to do it.  He asked for the cup of suffering to be taken away from Him, but right after that He said that He wanted God's will to be done.  That is what praying with a right heart looks like.  It isn't a bad thing to ask for something when we pray, as long as we are asking for it according to God's will.

I know there have been times (a ton) where I didn't get what I had been praying for.  After awhile, it started to get on my nerves a little.  I was trying to think what I had done to make God angry with me, but it had nothing to do with that.  It had everything to do with His perfect plan for me.  For His will for me.  I have to maintain my focus on God's will, not my want.

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me to stay focused on Your perfect will and purpose for me.  Thank You for saying yes by saying no.  I know that You have a great plan for my future, and I know that it is all about Your love for me.  Thank You for loving me.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Washed Away

Titus 3:4-5 - But - "When God our Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.  He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit."

Because of His mercy, He made us clean.  He made us new.  He washed away our sins and cleansed our souls with the blood of Jesus Christ.  There is nothing we could have done that would bring us to the Kingdom of God.  Only His sacrifice that He gave out of mercy and love did it.

I used to think years ago, that since I was (relatively) a good person, I was good to go.  I hadn't killed anyone, or done anything very bad.  I didn't think I had every really done anything wrong.  Oh how wrong I was.  Once I came to know and have a relationship with my Lord and Savior, I understood that it wasn't what I had or hadn't done that was going to save me.  It was only His sacrifice that saved me.  I had to understand and accept it in faith that He died for me.  His blood cleansed me.  He gave me a new life, because He loved me.  He showed me mercy, because He loved me.  I have been made clean, because He loved me.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for washing me clean, and cleansing my soul.  Thank You for giving me a new life in service to Your Glorious Kingdom.  I have been made whole because You filled the hole in my heart.  Thank You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

An Opportunity To Show Love

Romans 3:23 - For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.

None of us is worthy of the love and grace that God showers us with every day.  I can't speak for anyone else, but as a human being, it's difficult to be told 'you're not good enough'.  But God being the awesome God that He is, did what He does best.  He made a bad thing work for good and for His glory.  Our fallen and sinful nature was made right by the sacrifice of God's Son on the cross.  God could have easily responded to our repeated disobedience by saying, "You know, you aren't any good, and I'm tired of dealing with this."  And then zap you're gone.  But He didn't do that.  He took that as an opportunity to show us even more love and grace.  He said, "Okay, you aren't any good.  Here's my Son who I offer to take on all of your sin and debt.  All you have to do is believe in Him, and why I sent Him, and you're off the hook."  Who does that?!  An awesome God that is the absolute true definition of love, that's Who.

I know that I have accepted God's sacrifice of His Son for my salvation, but am I taking every opportunity put in front of me to show the love that He has shown me?  I believe I can do better.  I know I am capable of it, because He has made me capable.  I am not worthy of anything He has blessed me with, but His love and grace have made me worthy, and I need to show that to everyone.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for Your unending patience, Your amazing grace, and Your unfailing love.  Thank You for paying the ultimate price of sacrificing Your only Son to save such an unworthy sinner like me. I pray for Your continued strength and courage to be the witness You want me to be, so that You can get the glory that is rightfully Yours.  I am nothing without You, and I am everything because of You.  Thank You Lord.  In the precious and holy name of Jesus, Amen!

God Bless!!!