Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Staying Patient

Colossians 1:11 - We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need.  May you be filled with joy.

Paul knew that the power to be patient in waiting on the Lord's timing could only be given by God through our trust in Him and surrender to His will.  In verse 9, he prays that God will reveal His whole plan for the people of Colosse, but by verse 11, he is reminding them that they need to be patient for the Lord to reveal Himself and His plans for them.  And that they need to remain joyful and thankful for everything God has blessed them with.

A lot of discussions I have been having with different people lately, seem to be coming back to patience quite a bit.  I know I am not the most patient person (particularly when I'm driving).  I believe I am pretty good about exercising patience when it comes to God's will and plan for me.  I have gotten so much better about my trust in and surrender to Him.  I wonder if God is speaking to me to prepare me for a trial, and reminding me that I will need to maintain my patience and trust in Him during the time ahead.  All I can do is pray, like Paul did here, that I will be strengthened with His glorious power so that I will have the endurance and patience I need.  I trust that my persistent prayers to God are heard, and because of that, I am filled with joy and thankfulness.

Dear Lord, give me strength today and every day.  I can only get the true strength I need from You, and I know that You only have good plans for me.  If I am lacking in something, or need to be stronger in something, I ask that You speak to me and show me.  I strive to be a shining light and good example of Your power, glory, and love to others, so that they can come to know what I have come to know.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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