Saturday, May 31, 2014

Working Both Ways

Colossians 3:13 - Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.  Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

None of us is perfect no matter how much we try to be or how much we like to think we are.  The beauty of it is that God doesn't expect us to be.  He forgave our transgressions and imperfections, and He makes allowance for our continued faults and shortcomings.  And so should we.  Forgiveness works both ways.

If anyone had a good understanding of forgiveness, it was Paul.  He referred to himself as the worst of them all when it came to sin (1 Timothy 1:15).  While we might have one or two people in mind who we think was or is the worst sinner ever, who are we to decide.  Paul was a bit hard on himself, but he understood that holding a grudge had no place in the Christian's heart.

I heard a Pastor on the radio recently that said that God forgives our sins, but He also forgives the sins committed against us.  I thought that was an interesting perspective.  How often do we think, "I know God has forgiven me, but He can't forgive that person for what they did to me."  Well of course He can and He will when they seek His forgiveness and repent.  No matter what the offense was, He can and will forgive it, with the exception of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31).

A couple of years ago, someone hurt me.  They did something that is not easily forgivable, and had it happened 10 years ago, I wouldn't have forgiven them.  When I confronted them with what happened and they were truly sorry, they asked me why I was calm and not upset, I said that God had already forgiven them, so who am I not to.  I think that's the attitude we should be striving for.  This doesn't mean I am perfect, because I still get upset at people and situations.  I have to remind myself to pray for God to give me peace of mind and heart so that I can forgive and move on.  I remind myself of what Paul said in Philippians 2:5 about having the attitude that Christ had.  I believe that He would have forgiven the ones who had sentenced Him to die on the cross if they had asked Him to.

Failing to forgive is letting yourself be conquered by evil.  Revenge is not sweet.  Paul addressed this very well in Romans 12:19-21.  Forgiving others and leaving it in God's hands, showing love to those who hurt you heaps burning coals of shame on their heads.  It's not that we aim to shame someone when they sin against us.  Although throwing burning things on their heads might feel good in the moment, it isn't our goal.  We want to show them love and forgiveness so that our Heavenly Father will forgive us (Matthew 6:14).  The burning coals of shame is the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

We have to remember to be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32).  It works both ways.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for teaching me about forgiveness.  Thank You for forgiving my shortcomings and all my faults that are too numerous to list.  I ask for Your strength and peace to remember to forgive others when they sin against me and hurt me.  I know that I have struggled with this from time to time, but I also know that You will give me what I need according to Your will, and I know that it is Your will for me to love others, and forgive them as You have forgiven me.  I pray for those that are holding on to a lot of bitterness in their hearts.  My prayer is that You will continue to rain down Your love on them, and remind them that they need to forgive those that have hurt them.  Show them that forgiving others as You have done, will not only improve their attitude, but it will heal their heart.  I ask this in the name of Your Precious Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Successful Planning

Proverbs 15:22 - Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.

We aren't meant to do this (life) on our own, or figure everything out by ourselves.  Seeking wise counsel before decisions is the best way to achieve the success God has planned for us.

I don't know about you, but I find that more and more, I need advice.  I used to believe that I was smart enough to figure anything out if I spent enough time on it.  Fortunately, I finally realized that I didn't know what I was talking about when I would tell myself that.

The first place I go when I am struggling with a decision, is to God in prayer.  In Proverbs 16:9, Solomon tells us that we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.  Here's the kicker, God has already determined the steps we should take before we have ever taken them or asked Him about them.  In order to make sure we are following them, we need to ask Him.  Now the question becomes, "What if He doesn't answer?"  Well that depends on a couple of things.

Are you asking for your will to be done or His?  In your prayers are you saying, "God I really want this promotion (or whatever), can You make it happen for me?"  What if that's not His will for you?  Maybe follow up that last question with, "I want Your will to be done."  Asking God if He can do something is like asking the sun if it can be hot.  Of course it can be hot, but do you always want it to be hot?

God also doesn't necessarily answer us the way we always expect.  When we ask someone a question, a majority of the time, that person comes back with the answer, and usually right away.  God doesn't always speak directly to people in some still soft voice, or a loud booming one either.  Sometimes, He will show us the answer in His Word.  That's usually how He communicates with me.  Other times He will give His answer to other people to communicate it for Him.  I'm not saying He doesn't communicate to us directly, I am just saying not always.

When I am struggling with finding an answer to something, if I haven't found it in God's Word, I will seek out a couple of Godly people that I know, and see what they think.  This is very much out of my comfort zone, because I have always believed that no person knows what is good for me better than myself.  Fortunately, I realized that I didn't know what I was talking about when I would tell myself that too.  One of the things God wants for us, is to step out of our comfort zones and trust in Him more.  I have been working on this for myself, and I feel I have made some progress.  The advice I have sought from other people has always been right on, so I know that God is using them to show me that I can and should trust Him more.

That's where we need to start when making plans.  Trust God, and He will guide our steps the way He always intended for us to be successful in what we are doing.  When that happens, we have to be sure we give Him the glory, because we don't have any successful planning outside of His will.

Dear Father, thank You for teaching me to trust You more.  I am so grateful that I have learned, and still am learning, to step out of my comfort zones and into the arms of the One who has loved me forever.  I trust You will always guide me down the path I need to be on that will bring glory to You and Your Kingdom.  I pray for those that struggle with this.  I know it's not easy stepping out of that comfort zone.  My prayer is that they will take that first small step of faith, so that they will see that You will never let them down as You have always promised.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pretty Simple

Romans 10:9 - If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Paul keeps it simple for us when he tells us what we need to do in order to be saved.  I like simple, don't you?

There's no special deeds we have to do.  No quota of souls reached that we have to make.  Just believe and confess.  Although we do have a responsibility to share the Good News with others, the winning souls to Christ part isn't our department.  We share, and the Holy Spirit does the stirring.  Ah ha!  There's the catch!  We have to talk to people!

Well of course we do, don't we do that every day anyway?  When you are in a romantic relationship with someone, don't you tell other people?  You change your Facebook status, you tweet about it.  Why wouldn't you do this when you're in a relationship with God?  Isn't that a bigger relationship than anything we could possibly ever have while we are on earth?

Jesus tells us in Luke's Gospel that when someone has been given much, much will be required in return and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required (Luke 12:48).  Well when we have been saved, we have been given the keys to God's Kingdom.  We have been entrusted with sharing the Gospel with others so that they too can share in God's glory.  The Apostle Paul keeps it pretty simple in Romans 10:14 when he says, "How can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him?  And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?"  Isn't simple so much easier?

This doesn't mean that everyone who has been saved has to be an instant Bible scholar and have the answers to every question that someone might raise.  I am certainly not one, and I sure don't have all the answers.  But with so many resources at our fingertips, it isn't hard to find the answers.  If someone challenges you on something, don't be afraid to say that you aren't really sure and then offer to research it together.  I've done that.  We don't have to do the winning, Jesus did that when He died for us and defeated death.  We just need to do the sharing.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the Good News that You have redeemed us.  Thank You for inspiring the hearts of the writers of the Old and New Testament, so that we may know Your heart better when we seek You in Your Word.  Give me the courage to share Your message with someone so that they will have to the opportunity to believe and be saved.  I pray for those that struggle sharing Your message with others, perhaps out of fear of stepping out of their comfort zone.  My prayer is that Your Spirit will come upon them so strongly that their fears will disappear and they step out and declare Your message to anyone that might listen.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ.  It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes - the Jew first and also the Gentile.

We should never be ashamed of our faith or embarrassed that we are living for a purpose far greater than ourselves or beyond anything that the world can promise.

How easy is it to get caught up in what the crowd is doing?  How easy is it to use the excuse that we have to go along to get along?  Peer pressure doesn't stop when we are no longer teenagers in high school.  It continues our entire lives.  In a culture that has very loose moral values, people excuse behaviors all the time because they are afraid of offending anyone.  They say things like, "Well everyone cheats on their spouse."  How ridiculous is this?!  No, not everyone does that!  And if they do, it should not be rationalized away.

God doesn't expect us to be perfect.  He knows and understands that we are all a work in progress (Philippians 1:6).  But He does expect us to be repentant for the sins we commit, and not try to find creative excuses for why they happened.

Jesus asked a great question.  He asked, "And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?  Is anything worth more than your soul?" (Mark 8:36).  If you are choosing to not do something because you know it would be wrong, you should never be ashamed of it.  If someone tries to call you out on it, turn it around on them and tell them that you aren't doing it because you are living for something far greater than yourself, and far greater than the world could ever provide.  You are living for the eternal life that God promises to those who believe and live their lives for Him and His purpose.  It probably won't be the popular answer (to say the least), but it's the right answer

I spent 10 years of my life after I accepted Jesus as my Savior, kidding myself.  I misguidedly thought that since I was "saved" I was good to go.  I was a good person, I didn't really hurt anyone.  I was just enjoying my life, which I was confident that was what God wanted me to do.  Not only was I wrong, I can't remember ever once telling someone that I had been saved.  I felt embarrassed to talk about it.

God doesn't want us to be ashamed to know Him.  He wants us to be unashamed followers of His Son Jesus Christ who warned us that if we deny Him here on earth, He will deny us before His Father in Heaven (Matthew 10:33).  The last thing I ever want is to have Jesus deny me before God.  I am beyond grateful that the Holy Spirit convicted me after so many years of kidding myself so that I could seek the right relationship with Him.  I am blessed that I am not only a work in progress by God, but that He is delighting in what He is doing in and through me.  I know that I will stumble and fall from time to time, but I confidently trust that He will always be there to pick me up.  He is not ashamed to call me His son, and I will never be ashamed to call Him my Father.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for being such a loving and forgiving God of second (and third, fourth...) chances.  I know I never deserved any of them, but You gave them because You loved me.  I ask for the strength and courage that only You can provide as I go out into the world today.  I don't want to go along just to get along.  If speaking Your truths make me an outcast, I am happy to be considered an outcast.  I pray for those that have been ashamed to call You their Father in front of others.  My prayer is that they will be convicted by Your Holy Spirit, and boldly and unashamedly call You the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for everyone to hear.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Leading Like Jesus

1 Corinthians 11:1 - And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.

Paul knew what it meant to be a good leader.  It means leading from the front like Jesus led.  It means leading by example like Jesus led.  Paul strove to imitate Christ's leadership.

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery.  You only flatter someone you like or admire.  It's easy to think that Paul may have been trying to get the believers in Corinth to follow him, but that isn't the case.  He was reminding them that they should be striving to follow and imitate Christ.

Jesus was the best leader that ever lived.  He showed what it meant to lead from the front.  To lead by example, and to be a servant leader that was interested in only doing God's will.  He gave His life as a sacrifice so that when we followed His example of love, and believed in His life-giving truth, we would no longer follow our sinful nature, but follow the One that came to free us from it (Romans 8:4).

Jesus' greatest example of servant leadership was shown in John 13 when He washed the feet of His disciples.  He wasn't telling us that we had to necessarily wash everyone's feet (thankfully), but He was showing us that we should care for the one's that are put in our charge.  We should show a genuine interest and care for those that we lead.  That is servant leadership.

So how do we start leading like Jesus led?  We begin by keeping our eyes and our hearts focused on Him.  Proverbs 4:25 says to look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.  Since we have turned away from our sinful nature, and have made the commitment to follow Jesus, He is what lies before us.  Keeping our hearts focused on God's will is the place to start.  He will never lead us astray, and He will never ask us to do anything that He isn't willing to do Himself first.  He proved that when He gave up His only Son to redeem us.  He isn't asking us to sacrifice our children for Him, but He did that so that we would know that whatever we needed, He would provide when we ask Him with a right heart.  A heart focused on Jesus and His example of servant leadership.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for showing me the right way to lead those that You have placed in my charge.  I pray that I will continue to seek You for guidance, understanding, and discernment, and that I will always seek Your will first before I make any decisions that affect those under me.  I pray for those that never had the right training of leadership.  My prayer is that they will find that the best leadership training is found in Your Word, and that they will seek You out for the wisdom and discernment they need to lead properly and effectively.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Romans 5:2 - Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.

When we come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He begins to reveal Himself to us little by little.  He reveals His will for each of us piece by piece, until that day we enter His glory in Heaven and all of it is revealed to us.

How awesome is God that He give us this all-access pass to His glory?!  Paul said it perfectly when he called it a place of undeserved privilege.

Ever been to a concert?  Ever got an all-access backstage pass for that concert?  Most of us probably haven't, but if you have you get to see all sorts of stuff going on that most people don't get to see.  Some of it is quite revealing, and some of it is stuff that you probably didn't want to see.  However, God has granted us an all-access backstage pass to His Kingdom.  And everything there is all we could ever want to see and know.  He will hold nothing back from us, His children.

There are plenty of people that question why He doesn't reveal everything to us now.  Why is He holding back some of it?  Well it doesn't work that way.  Our finite minds are not capable of all of that knowledge that we desire now all at once.  We can't just accept Christ and then not build a relationship with Him.  The key is to have faith as Paul tells us here.  Solomon pointed it out in Proverbs 3:5 when he tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and don't depend on our own understanding.

Faith is trust.  When we commit our lives to Him, and seek to build a relationship with Him, God faithfully reveals Himself to us a little at a time.  I believe this has a two-fold reason.  One, because He knows that we could not handle all of it all at once, and second, so that we continue to seek Him.  God's biggest desire is to have a relationship with us, but it's a two-way street.

God has revealed Himself to me so much over the last few years as I've sought Him more and more and surrendered more and more to Him.  But I know there is so much He hasn't revealed to me.  I trust that He will reveal to me what He needs me to know and understand as I need to know and understand it.  He hasn't given me the all-access backstage pass, and I am completely fine with that (although understanding that took some doing).  I know the plans He has for me are for good and that they will give me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).  That doesn't mean that I know all of His specific plans for me, but He has shown me enough during our time together to sustain me on a daily basis.  All it takes from me, and all of us, is faith.

Dear Father, thank You for the undeserved privilege of knowing You, and having an intimate relationship with You.  I can't believe I went so long without it, but I know that I would not want to live another minute without it.  I know that You have great and mighty things planned for me, and I have faith that You will reveal to me what You need me to know when the time is right according to Your will and purpose for me.  I pray for those that don't have the relationship with You that You have always desired.  My prayer is that they will feel Your Holy Spirit stirring in their hearts, so they will begin to seek You and the undeserved privilege You have for them.  I pray that they will share in Your glory because of the all-access backstage pass You have promised them through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pick & Choose

2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

In Paul's second letter to Timothy, he tells us that ALL Scripture is from God and is true.  Not just certain parts that we prefer to believe.

Do you know anyone that doesn't believe it's all true?  They say things like, "I don't agree with that part, so it doesn't apply to me."  I have.  It blows my mind that people think it's okay to just pick and choose what is true and what applies to them at their convenience.  I refer to them as Convenient Christians.

I have found that when people don't understand what they're reading in Scripture, they tend to dismiss it.  I have also seen that people who don't believe that God could love them the way He does and the way He loves EVERYONE, they believe that He doesn't love some people because of their sin.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Senior Pastor at my church once said that in order to understand the content of the Bible, you have to understand the context.  I don't think he could have said it any better.  If we're not getting good Bible teaching from our church leaders, then we will have problems understanding the context, and therefore the content.

God loves EVERYONE.  He hates SIN.  Sin separates us from God, which is why He hates it.  God will ALWAYS love us, and it breaks His heart when we are in bondage to our sin which keeps us from Him.  I'm sure you've heard the term 'Hate the sin, not the sinner'.  That's what I'm talking about here.  God loves us all and always will.  He will not bless us if we are rebelling against Him by letting our sin control us, which prevents us from being intimately connected to Him, but He will still always love us.

The next time you hear someone say, "God doesn't love them because they're sinning," correct them.  It's their way of saying that God couldn't possibly love me because I'm a sinner that's done so much bad, or I'm still living in my sin."  They're providing you a window of opportunity to speak to their heart.  Share with them the truth of the Gospel message that Jesus didn't come to save those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners (Mark 2:17).  All it takes is for that small window of opportunity into that person's heart to let the Holy Spirit in to do what He does best.

Dear Father, thank You for saving me.  I know that I am a sinner, and I know that You still love me regardless.  I thank You for Your Word.  I know that it all comes from You, and I trust that You will always lead me down the path I should go, and You will always teach me to do what is right.  I pray for those convenient christians that don't understand the truth.  Perhaps they haven't been taught properly, or even been taught at all.  My prayer is that when their friends see and hear what is in their heart, they will share Your truth with them, and they will receive Your Holy Spirit into their hearts to transform their lives for the glory of Your Kingdom.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Working Together

Hosea 11:9 - No, I will not unleash My fierce anger.  I will not completely destroy Israel, for I am God and not a mere mortal.  I am the Holy One living among you, and I will not come to destroy.

Despite Israel's repeated idolatry, God loves them too much to destroy them like they deserve.  The truth of God's accusations is working together with His grace to redeem them.

In this whole chapter of Hosea, God is telling Israel how much He has loved them, and that the more He showed them His love and grace, the farther they fell away from Him in idolatry (verse 2).

God's truth and grace always work together.  In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).  What is the truth?  The truth is that we all fall short of God's righteousness, but He still loves us to no end and He still pursues an intimate relationship with us.  Grace is the tricky part, though.  God's grace is what redeems us when we believe (Ephesians 2:8).  You see the truth of God's grace redeems us.  And the truth of our sin is what leads us to seek God's grace.

In his book Pursued, Jud Wilhite tells us, "Truth without grace will leave us to wallow in guilt and condemnation" (Chapter 8).  If we know the truth of our shortcomings, and don't seek the truth and grace of God's love and redemption, we just sit and wallow in self-pity.  That is hardly healthy.  Wilhite also says, "The combination of grace and truth is life giving" (Ch. 8).  That's what God gives us when we not only accept His truth and grace, but live it as well.  We live it by sharing the truth of God's grace with others.  We work together with the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel message to everyone we can.

Dear Father, thank You for showing me Your truth and setting me free by Your grace.  I am so grateful that I don't have to be weighed down by my guilt and shame, because the combination of Your truth and grace have worked together to free me from my bondage to sin.  I pray for those that haven't taken that step of faith and accepted the truth that You love them.  My prayer is that they will see that You want nothing more than to set them free of their own bondage by Your love and grace and have the intimate relationship with them that You have always desired.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Happy Endings

1 Kings 8:66 - After the festival was over, Solomon sent the people home.  They blessed the king and went to their homes joyful and glad because the Lord had been good to His servant David and to His people Israel.

After the Temple was finished, Solomon dedicated it to the Lord with sacrifices that were too many to count, and the people celebrated the Festival of Shelters in what sounds like it was a raucous celebration of the Lord.

Don't you love happy endings?  I sure do.  Being such a big movie fan, I've watched so many in my life.  And I always prefer ones with happy endings.  I had an old roommate that was the "root for the bad guys" type.  I used to tell him why do you bother?  You know they aren't going to win.

Before you start thinking I'm going to get all sappy and sentimental here, I actually do have a point (usually anyway).  While I was reading this chapter in 1 Kings today, I thought to myself as I came to the end of it, "This could have been the end of it right here."  This would have been the perfect place to end the Bible.  The people were happy, worshiping God, Solomon was king and the wisest man ever to live because he sought the Lord the right way, the Temple was built and dedicated and God and His presence filled the Temple (verse 11).  I'm sure it would have been ideal for God to have that as the ending of His story, instead of sacrificing His Son for all of us.

The problem with humans is, they have a tendency to ruin the happy ending.  Ever watch a movie with someone that knows what's going to happen when you don't and they tell you?  Oh man I hate that.  When people get comfortable, they tend to stray.  The Israelites eventually walked away from God.  I don't think it was some intentional thing.  I think they got comfortable and figured, "He won't mind if I do this or that.  We just celebrated Him and His new Temple, so He's good."  Well God doesn't work that way.  He's a jealous God (Exodus 20:5) who demands and deserves our praise and worship.

Fortunately for us, the Bible and God's story didn't end on that happy note at the end of 1 Kings.  Instead of consulting me in the editorial process, which shows one of the many ways that God is smarter than me, or just giving up on humanity and abandoning us to our own stupidity (amazing love), God had other plans.  He never had a plan B, because Jesus was plan A all along.  He knew that the good times wouldn't last after the dedication of the Temple.  He knew the Israelites would fall away from Him by their own actions, which is why there are 28 more books in the Old Testament alone telling us of how God tried to bring them back to Him before He sent Jesus.

One of my favorite prophets, Jeremiah, tells us that God knows the plans He has for us and that they always have been (and always will be) for good.  For a bright future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).  That hope is found in Jesus.  When we walk away or operate outside the will of God and disaster hits us, that wasn't God's plan for us.  But when we turn ourselves over to Him and submit ourselves to His will, He takes those bad things and turns them into good things.  The Senior Pastor at my church told us that the Hebrew word for plans in this passage literally translates into weave.  God is weaving those bad things that we did into better things for our lives when we submit to Him.  The Apostle Paul (as opposed to the Beatle Paul), tells us that God causes everything to work for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them (Romans 8:28).

When we answer that call and submit to Him, He shows us the great and mighty things He has for us (Jeremiah 33:3).  They don't all come together at once (where's the fun in that?).  But they do come together.  But we have to be operating inside of God's will.  We have to submit ourselves to Him so that He can operate.  If we have to have surgery, we have to submit ourselves to the doctor and get on the table to be operated on.  We can't just do it via e-mail or text message.  We don't get the good news after surgery over the phone.  And we don't get the Good News of God operating on us when we aren't seeking His will and spending intimate time with Him in prayer and study.  The real happy ending in the Bible isn't in 1 Kings, it's in Revelation 22.

Dear Father, thank You for the ultimate happy ending in the Bible that promises of Your coming and Your rescue of Your people.  Thank You for not giving up on me, and the rest of humanity, when we gave You so many reasons and opportunities to do so.  We are blessed beyond words at the love You have shown us from the beginning of time.  I pray that I will remember to seek Your will above my own, and when I fail, I pray that I will ask for Your forgiveness so that Your light will continue to shine on and through me.  I pray for those that don't believe in the happy ending that You have promised.  My prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will show them that You have far greater things than the enemy could ever promise, and rooting for the bad guy is pointless.  I hope and pray they will realize all of this and turn their hearts and lives over to You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Refuge

Psalm 91:1-2 - Those who live in the the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust in Him.

God promises to faithfully provide for and comfort those who seek their rest in Him.  For those who seek shelter under His umbrella during the storm.

This has been my life verse since I first accepted Christ as my Savior.  I can never get enough of God's promises in this passage.  But they're more than just idle promises.  You and I make promises all the time that don't mean anything.  Well I would hope we don't, but we are human after all, and it happens.  These are guarantees from a heart of love from God.

With all that has been going on recently at work, I have been trying so hard to maintain my focus on God and His Word and His love.  It hasn't been easy, that's for sure, but He never said it would be.  This morning, this passage kept running through my head since I first woke up.  During my quiet time, it came up in one of the devotionals I read.  If that wasn't God speaking to me, then I don't know what is.

When I came across it in the devotional after having it on my mind since I woke up, I knew that God was getting my attention to remind me that He is still there for me.  Regardless of what people of the world may say about my faith, or my love for them, He is still there and promising to comfort and protect me from the attacks of the enemy, who just wants to steal, kill, and destroy my joy in the Lord (John 10:10).

These joy-killers won't win, because I have the strength and power of Jesus Christ on my side.  He has already achieved the final victory, so I have nothing to fear.  Things may happen over the next few weeks that try to convince me that I am on the losing side, but I know that's not true.  I'm on the right side.  I'm on the side that will provide comfort, shelter, and rest during the tough times, because He loves me, because I am His child.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for Your guarantees of love, comfort, and rest in Your shadow.  Thank You for being my refuge when I need You the most.  I pray that I will continue to seek You and Your righteousness first above all else, because when I do, I will know that I am doing it right.  I pray for those that don't know You.  I pray for those that think it's wrong to offer prayer for someone whether or not they ask for it.  I know that praying for those that don't know You and need You should be one of the most important things on my list.  We are all Your children, whether we realize it or not.  Whether we acknowledge it or not.  And I will continue to pray for all of Your children regardless of the circumstances I am in, because I already have my rest, refuge, and safety in You because of Your unfailing love and faithfulness.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Walking Taller

Ephesians 6:15 - For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.

The peace that God gives, can't be found anywhere else.  The peace we find in the Gospel can, and will, sustain us through anything if we stay focused on Him.

We find this promise of peace in Jesus' words in John's Gospel account.  Jesus said, "The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give" (John 14:27).  Now that's real supply and demand for you.  You can't get it anywhere else, so you have to come to the only One that has it.  But the real kicker is that it's free!  God gives it freely and abundantly.  The cost was already paid at a very high price.

When I came across this passage about the shoes, it got me to thinking about what do shoes do for us.  Well they protect our feet when we walk.  They make us a little taller, although some people like my sister are kind of beyond help in that area.  They make things more comfortable for us when we are walking or running.

Ever have an uncomfortable pair of shoes?  I sure have.  They really can make your life uncomfortable and down right miserable sometimes.  However, a really good pair of shoes that are really comfortable feel so good.  You feel like you're walking on pillows and walking a little taller than normal.  That's how the Good News of Christ can make us feel.

I really stink at memorizing Bible verses.  I don't know why, I just am.  There are a few that I do have memorized, although I'm sure if I were quizzed on them, I would probably still get the wording in some of them at least partly wrong.  When I do, I tend to feel a bit uncomfortable about it, because I know God is everywhere, and He knows how much time I spend with Him every day, and I still struggle to get the words right sometimes.  I can picture Him watching me and saying, "Really?!" (I doubt He would say that, but who could blame Him if He did).

Although when I find myself getting upset or my stress levels start to rise, I shift my focus to Him, and all of a sudden I can focus on passages that I've never memorized that will really calm me down.  Passages like Matthew 6:31-34, where Jesus promises that God will always provide for us as long as we remember to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first.  Now, of course my focus should have been on Him in the first place, but I am human after all, and my mind does drift sometimes.  I have a tendency just like anyone else to let the cares of the world invade my thinking.

But when I do shift my focus back to Him, and take a minute to say a prayer to calm me down, and think about the promises of peace that He gives us, I feel so much better.  I feel like I'm walking taller in His rest and comfort that God has graciously and abundantly promised to provide.

Dear Father, thank You for Your promises of peace, comfort, and rest.  I cannot find what You have anywhere else, and I don't want to look anywhere else either.  I pray for my focus to be on You so that I can keep the cares and problems of this world away from my heart, and that only Your word and Your love will be there.  I pray for those that don't have that sort of peace.  My prayer is that they will open their Bibles today, and see what You have for them, and will find the rest and comfort they have been searching for, for so long.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Missing the Faith Part

Hebrews 11:6 - And it is impossible to please God without faith.  Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.

It's a two part thing.  It's not enough to just believe in God.  We have to have faith in Him as well.

Even the devil believes in God.  Believing is just knowing that He exists.  Faith is trusting that He will work in Your life when you invite Him into it.  Faith produces an abundant spiritual fruit in us.

I spent 10 years believing in God, but not having any faith.  I had accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my Savior and figured I was good to go.  But I was missing the faith part.  I had only accepted Him into my heart.  I didn't invite Him into my life as well.  I thought I was good to go, and that since I was a relatively good person (using that term very loosely...), I would be okay.  Fortunately, I eventually found out I was wrong.

We have to invite Him into our life as well, so that he can transform us into the person He wants us to be, so that we may learn His will for us which is always the right path (Romans 12:1-2).  The best way to learn what He has for each of us, is through meditating on His Word daily and through prayer.  God just wants to spend time with us, and give us abundant blessings.  He will always love us, but if we are living outside of His will, He won't bless us.

I have heard a lot of people say, "Well God didn't give me this or make this happen, so He must not love me."  Nothing could be further from the truth.  He does love us.  If something doesn't happen for us, it is because it wasn't His will for us.  We learn to understand His will better through prayer and daily study of His Word.  That's where we learn that it is THY will be done, not MY will be done.  Once we develop and strengthen our faith to go with the belief we already have, we see the abundant blessings He is willing to provide above and beyond anything we could ever do for ourselves (Ephesians 3:20).

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me that believing is not faith.  Thank You for allowing me to spend the time with You that I do every day, so that I can be transformed into the person You want me to be.  I trust Your plan for me, and I pray that I will continue to seek Your will every day.  I know I make mistakes and sometimes I speak without thinking first, but I have been blessed to have a forgiving and loving Father like You that accepts me for who I am and knows my heart.  I pray for those that are missing the faith part in their lives.  Perhaps they gave up when they didn't get what they wanted.  My prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will stir in their hearts and remind them that it is thy will be done, and not my will.  My prayer is that they will convicted to their knees, and pray for You to come back into their hearts as well as their lives.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

God is faithful, just, and loving that He provides for everything we could need when we seek His righteousness and will before everything else.

Are you any good at multi-tasking?  I am.  Well I always thought I was.  I can have a lot of things on my plate at work, and get it all done, almost at the same time.  I could be having a conversation with someone and type an e-mail without breaking my train of thought in either.  Until I get an e-mail back 10 minutes later from someone asking me why I sent them the e-mail to begin with...whoops wrong person...

Come to think of it, I kind of stink at multi-tasking.  That e-mail incident has happened more than a few times (you think I'd learn).  I've caught myself working on one project at work without any success on, only to realize that I was doing stuff for a different project.  I really do stink at multi-tasking.

When I first started to take my relationship with Christ seriously, I would be sitting down and studying His word, only to jump at the ring of my phone or to answer a text message.  When I would come back to the Bible, I had lost my place and couldn't remember where I had left off.  Re-reading the same passage over and over again (especially in books like Numbers...sorry God) can be aggravating.  Now it's different.  When I sit down to read the Bible, I tune everything out, which is something I am actually pretty good at much to the chagrin of some people.

Sometimes it seems that as soon as I crack open my Bible every morning, my phone really comes alive.  It's like people know when I am engaged with Christ so that they can start trying to distract me right then.  Of course they don't, but I'm sure the enemy knows.  Satan isn't all knowing, but there is plenty he does know, and he excels at distracting us from seeking God's righteousness.  He loves to distract us from anything that would be good for us.  My job isn't life-saving or crucial to the advancement of society.  At least not directly.  We ship textbooks to schools.  It's not brain surgery, but it is important.  Where would kids be without an education?  In the firm grips of the enemy, more than likely.

When I allow myself to get distracted by trying to multi-task at work, I'm not giving my best to the kids that our department serves.  And they suffer for that.  When I get distracted in my quiet time with God, I'm not giving Him my best that he certainly deserves, and I suffer for that.  When I'm worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, or how am I going to eat, or things like that, I am not giving myself the attention I need in the moment, and I end up short changing myself.  Jesus said it best in this section of Scripture (Matthew 6:31-34).  I don't need to worry about anything, because God already knows everything I need and has it all planned out for me.  I just need to seek His will and His righteousness, and He will provide for me far more abundantly (Ephesians 3:20) than I could ever try and figure out on my own...all at once.  I have to remind myself to stop, take a breath, and take it all one step at a time.

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me that I can't accomplish everything all at once.  Thank You for the promise that You will provide and accomplish everything far and above what I could ever need when I am seeking Your will and righteousness before everything.  I pray for those that are being distracted by the enemy.  My prayer is that they will see the distractions for what they are, and cast them away so that they can focus on You and Your will for their lives.  I know that we can accomplish anything by Your strength, and I pray that we will continue to draw on that for everything we need.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Comfort Zones

Acts 2:46 - They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity.

The beginning of the Church was a house to house movement.  The people still went to the Temple to worship God, but the Church was more about doing life together in each other's homes.

Earlier this year, I joined a home Bible study group with people from my church.  And it has been one of the best things I have ever done.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am not one for groups.  Since I was a young child, I have always been one of those 'Does not play well with others' type, and I was always very content with that.  That's the beauty of God, though.  He doesn't just want us to step out and be different, He shows us how to step out of our comfort zones, and live how He has always wanted us to live.

A couple of years ago, I was part of an online Bible study group.  We were originally scheduled for a 6 or 7 month study, and wound up lasting a year and a half.  That's God working right there.  We enjoyed studying His word and spending time with each other every week, that we just kept going.  I am still friends with the amazing people I was in that study with.

This time it's different.  Doing things in person together, has really gotten me to open up more and really share my life with them.  People say that it's easier to be open when you're online because no one really knows the real you, and the 'real you' can be whoever you want it to be.  But I disagree.  I am more open and real when I am in person.  I honestly never expected to be that way, either.  I am one of those ones that tends to clam up a bit in social situations (groups), but I haven't been that way.  God has really done a work on me to get me out of my traditional comfort zone.  As a result, I have grown much closer to Him and my personal time with Him as gotten so much better.

I have been so blessed by the love and the desire to know God more, of the people in both of the study groups I have been a part of.  Sometimes I wonder if I have received more blessings than someone should receive, but I'll let God decide that.  In the mean time, I'll enjoy every minute I have with these people, sharing life together outside of our comfort zones, and in His love.

Dear Father, thank You so much for the amazing blessings You have rained down on me through the people You have put in my life.  They are such great people after Your heart, and I love to hear their perspectives every week, and how they are growing closer to You.  Thank You for being there with us every week as we study Your Word, and seek to be closer to You.  I pray for their continued safety and protection from the enemy.  I pray for those that haven't stepped out of their comfort zones.  My prayer is that fear won't rule their lives, and they will be open to You more and follow the paths You have for them, regardless of what they prefer to do.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Praise Him in the Hallway

Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light and salvation - so why should I be afraid?  The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

God will always be our light in this dark world.  He will always protect us from whatever our enemies try to do to us.

For David, he was obviously concerned about the physical pain that his enemies had planned for him (Saul, Absalom).  But what about emotional, spiritual, or psychological pain our enemies try to inflict on us?  Will God take care of that too?  You bet he will!

God doesn't want any of us to be hurting.  When we are living for Him, when our hearts are seeking His will and purpose, He is always faithful to protect us.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs" (Matthew 5:10).  He is always looking for a way to bless us.

People may ask, how can a husband beating on his wife be God's will. isn't.  That is the husband using his free will to operate outside of God's plan.  How can me losing my job for no reason be God's will?  God doesn't want you to suffer.  When He closes a door, it's because He wants you in a different room.  I saw a picture once that said, "Until God opens the door He wants you to go through, praise Him in the hallway."  That's an awesome way to look at it.

With my job situation being what it has been the last couple of months, and more specifically this last week or two, I know that my days there are probably numbered.  And I am perfectly fine with that.  I know that whatever happens is all part of God's plan, and I will just praise Him in the hallway until the new door opens.  I had a situation come up yesterday that made me realize that my days are numbered, and you know what, I slept like a baby last night.

Some might think, "Well it must be nice to be independently wealthy and not have to work."  Materially speaking, nothing could be further from the truth.  I need a job.  Like everyone else, I have bills to pay, rent to pay.  Eternally speaking, I am a rich man.  I have the God of Heaven that will faithfully provide for me because He loves me.  He will keep the light on with His light of salvation.  He will keep me safe and protected by covering me in His fortress.  What do I have to worry about, when I have the Lord of Heaven's Armies on my side?

Dear Father, I thank You for your light and Your protection.  I am beyond blessed that You are so loving and faithful to me.  I could never deserve it, but I accept Your free gift with gratitude and thanksgiving.  I pray for those that can't see Your light through the darkness in their world.  My prayer is that You will open their eyes to see just how much You love them and want to bless them.  Be with them today and protect them as they go through their trials and tribulations, as You are always faithful to do for those You love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Staying Focused

Colossians 3:1-2 - Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.  2 - Think about the things of Heaven, not the things of earth.

Staying focused on God's glory and His great plan for us is the key to making it through every tough situation.

When our faith is challenged by people operating outside the will of God, we do our best to keep our hearts and minds focused on His eternal prize.  This isn't always easy, though.  We have bosses and coworkers, among others, we deal with daily that present tough challenges.

I've been having a rough go of things these last couple of months at work.  I have a new boss that is convinced she has all the answers, and doesn't really believe in the concept of communication.  While I expected things to get a little easier after getting used to the changes, things seem to have gotten worse the last couple of weeks.  Last Thursday was probably the toughest day I've had in a long time.  I had allowed myself to get so upset and worked up, that I just couldn't keep my heart and mind focused on Christ.  I was too busy thinking about the things of the earth, and I felt myself slipping away from God very quickly.  Fortunately, on Thursday nights, I have a Bible study with a great group of people, and they were really a blessing to me that night (they always are, but last Thursday especially).

I know that no one is really interested in my problems, and I don't blame you.  We've all got our own issues to deal with; our own bosses and coworkers that drive us nuts.  The point is this, we have to maintain our focus on Him if we want to keep our composure.  He is in charge and nothing happens that He doesn't want to happen.  If it's something we don't want, that can be tough to accept sometimes, but trust in God that He is only giving you bigger and better.

This past week, I haven't been praying for God to change my situation at work.  I know that it will all work out according to His will and in His time.  What I have been praying for, is better focus.  Nothing is in my control, He has this.  I have been praying for God to just invade my heart and mind every minute of the day so that I can make sure that I am keeping things in the proper (eternal) perspective.  When I have my heart and mind focused on Him and His plan, and not me and my wishes, things really do get a lot easier to deal with.

Things at work haven't really improved much over the last week, and I'm fine with that.  But my attitude has.  I just laugh things off because I know that He's got this.  God is much better at running the world than I am.  When people ask me at work how I'm able to smile and laugh at what's going on, I just tell them that it's because I know it will get better (either there or when God puts me somewhere else).  Nothing that man does can destroy me, because I know that I have eternal security in Heaven.

Dear Abba Father, thank You so much for looking out for me.  I know that You have secured my place in Heaven for me and I pray that, by Your strength and power, I will keep my heart and mind focused on my eternal prize with You in Heaven.  I pray for those that don't listen to You, and are determined to handle things on their own.  My prayer is that they will see that operating outside of Your will only brings the negative, but surrendering control to You brings great and mighty blessings.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Short Timer's

James 4:14 - How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?  Your life is like the morning fog - it's here a little while, then it's gone.

Life is short, and we never know when we will take our last breath.  Seeking God's will for our lives on a daily basis (pray then plan) is where we need to start.

Ever quit a job because you found a better one?  You give your two week's notice, and then start counting the days.  How hard is it to be productive during those last days?  That is what we used to call "Short Timer's Disease" in the Army.  After all, what are they going to do, fire you?

A lot of us, myself certainly included, believe that since we don't know how long we have left, need to make the most of the time we have.  While this is true to a point, how we make the most of what time we have left is what is important.  Some people party and enjoy other things that bring them brief physical pleasures (I certainly did).  People that do this aren't thinking eternally, and I believe that's the key to surviving this life.

Jesus died for us so that we could have a close, intimate relationship with God for eternity.  It's not something that we get when we die if we were "good people" during our time on earth.  The world is full of "good people".  And usually, those "good people" are full of something else...

This close, intimate relationship starts when we accept Christ as our Savior and turn our lives over to Him.  Every day, we should pray and ask God to guide our steps, our words, and our actions, so that we can make the most out of the time we have left that serves God's Kingdom and brings Him glory.  After all, He created it.  He saved us.  I think He has earned that glory (to say the least).

This doesn't mean that we can't have fun and enjoy ourselves.  I enjoy things that have no eternal value.  I'm a big baseball and hockey fan.  More often than not, these pleasures are a let down (that's the life of a Cubs fan, after all).  But God put them here so that we can enjoy them.  Tempering our joy of these earthly things with moderation is the key.  We need to keep our eye on His prize and continually ask for His will to be done (that does not include praying for a World Series Championship for the Cubs).  Letting these things consume us and decide our lives for us is where the problems start.  I once cancelled a date years back so I could watch a Cubs playoff game...Hey, don't judge...they don't happen that often!

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me to keep my eyes and heart focused on You and Your will for me.  I pray that I will keep an eternal mindset today as I go into the world.  Keep me centered on You as I deal with difficult situations at work (and especially the traffic getting me to work).  I pray for those that aren't living for You.  My prayer is that they will see that their time is short, and they would do best to turn their focus over to You and live for Your will to be done, and not their own.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Careful Listening

1 Peter 5:8 - Stay alert!  Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

The enemy is always looking for ways to trip us up and keep us apart from God and His great plan for us.  It is up to us to be careful and discerning so that we don't fall into his trap.

On a radio program recently, a caller had been struggling with alcoholism.  She said that sometimes she felt a still voice inside her convicting her of her sin and encouraging her to turn away from it.  But she didn't know if that voice was from God or from the enemy.  The program host pointed out that the devil will never convict us towards righteousness.  He will never encourage us to turn from our sin.

The devil likes to use shame and guilt to keep us separate from God.  Those are his weapons of choice.  We do the heavy lifting, so-to-speak, for the enemy when we sin.  Since we are all sinful by nature, the devil just uses that to help us along our path away from God.  He uses the guilt and shame to keep us blinded to the turn-off down the right path towards God and His righteousness.  He convinces us that we're not worthy, that we're not good enough to be loved by God because of our sinful ways, and other things of that nature.

If we are hearing that voice telling us that it's okay to keep drinking and to go ahead and get behind the wheel afterwards, it's not God.  If we here a voice telling us to put the bottle down, call a cab, and go home and pray, it's not the devil.  But how do we really know the difference?  The enemy is pretty crafty about deceiving us, and it's not always so black-and-white.

The best way to know when we hear God's voice, is to know Him.  Whenever you're in a relationship with someone, like a marriage, you learn about that other person, don't you?  You spend a lot of time with them, right?  You want to know all you can so that you are able to communicate effectively and not give off the wrong impression.  A relationship with Christ is not any different.  The more time we spend with God, in His word and through prayer, the better we come to know Him.  God loves spending intimate alone time with us, His bride.  That's what the whole idea behind Jesus going to the cross for us in the first place - so that we can have a deep, intimate, and personal relationship with God.

God speaks to everyone differently.  He may choose visions, dreams, prayer, Bible study.  For me personally, I feel Him speaking to me most of the time when I am in His Word.  Sometimes it feels as though He is standing over my shoulder and pointing out a piece of Scripture for me to really meditate on.  He does that so that I will know Him better.  So that when I am carefully listening to that voice, I know Who is speaking to me, and who isn't.  How awesome is our Lord and Savior to do that for us?!

Dear Father, thank You for revealing Yourself to me and to all of us, so that we can discern right from wrong.  I pray for the continued discipline and strength to spend time with You more and more every day.  I want to know You better so that I can live my life in a way that You approve and that brings You the greatest glory.  I pray for those that don't know Your voice.  My prayer is that they will take the time to get to know You, their Creator and Savior, so that they can listen carefully when they hear You speaking to them.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Colossians 2:18 - Don't let anyone condemn you by insisting on pious self-denial or the worship of angels, saying they have had visions about these things.

A lot of religious leaders try and make us believe that we have to worship God a certain way.  And that if we don't, we are not connecting with God the way He wants us to.

Paul tells us otherwise.  He tells us that people like this are not connected with Christ (verse 19), and following these man-made rules do not help us conquer our evil desires towards sin (verse 23).  I think Paul is on to something here.

Paul told us in Romans 8:1-2 that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  And that since we belong to Him, His power has freed us from the power of sin.  You see, it isn't man-made rules that conquer our evil desires, it is the power of Jesus Christ.  He conquered sin and death when He went to the cross.

People who try to convince us that we can overcome it by worshiping a certain way, are just fooling themselves and taking a lot of people with them.  Jesus died so we can have an intimate personal relationship with God our Father.  When we believe in Him, we are freed.  When we communicate with Him in prayer, we are freed.  When we study His Word to get to know Him better and learn from Him, we are freed.

All it takes is a determination to not let man-made ideas get in our way.  We just need to keep our focus on God, and let Him lead us.  Paul said in Romans 8:14 that all are who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.  I am not saying that we should walk away from Church.  Quite the opposite.  We just have to pay attention to what we are being taught at Church.

When we go to a church, if they are not teaching what is in the Bible, then there is a problem.  Any church that teaches that we require an intermediary between us and God, is not teaching what's in the Bible.  We have an intermediary between us and God, and His name is Jesus Christ - the Name above all names.  We don't need someone to tell us that are sins are forgiven when we confess them to God.  The Bible already tells us that are sins are forgiven when we confess them to God.  Jesus died so that our sins would be forgiven when we confess them to God.  He didn't die so that some person could hear our sins and tell that if we do certain things, they will be forgiven.

Am I maintaining my focus on God with determination, or am I letting man-made influences tell me otherwise.  I have been blessed to be a part of church that teaches the Bible, and doesn't try to make things up to add to or take away from it, to serve their purposes.  It's up to me to worship my Lord and Savior the way He wants it - intimate and personal, not the way man does.

Dear Father, thank You so much for saving me.  I know I didn't deserve it, but I know that I have it because You love me, and because You said so.  I pray that I will stay determined to keep my focus on You and Your freedom, and not get sidetracked by the enemy.  I pray for those that don't know You personally, because they have been taught wrong.  My prayer is that they will step away from the man-made religion and develop an open and loving personal relationship with You.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Matthew 26:15 - "How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?"  And they gave him thirty pieces of silver.

The life of our Savior was valued at 30 pieces of silver.

I looked this up to see how much that would be in today's money.  Depending on where you look, it is anywhere from $20 to $300.  Even thought that's a pretty big range, and that kind of money would have gone a lot further in those days, it's still a pittance for the value of a life.  Particularly the life of our Savior.

But there's more to those 30 pieces of silver.

In Exodus 21:32, 30 pieces of silver was the going rate for the price of a slave.  In Leviticus 27:3, it was the value of a woman, who at that time carried less value than a man (we live in different times).  And then in Hosea 3:2, it was the value of a prostitute.  While all of these people had inherently less value than that of a regular person at the time, they were considered of equal value with Jesus Christ.  Except by God, of course.  With Jesus being God's only Son, He loved Him more than anything.  God's own words in Matthew 17:5 tell us that He was God's dearly loved Son who brings Him great joy.

Here's the kicker:  What's our value?  The blood of God's dearly loved Son who brought Him great joy.  God loved us that much that He sacrificed His Son so that we could be with Him and have an intimate relationship with Him...for eternity!  Not only that, He did it even though we were still sinners (Romans 5:8), and might never accept His free gift of eternal life.  Who does that?!

A loving and forgiving Father who is full of grace and mercy, that's Who.

It's very easy to sit and believe that we're not worthy of that.  I know I have.  I spent a long time believing that, as I'm sure a lot of people have.  Jud Wilhite put that into a great perspective in his book Pursued when he said that when we believe that we aren't worthy and refuse to accept God's free gift, we are basically saying that God has to pay a higher price...who are we to tell God this price wasn't enough?  Pastor Wilhite says that this is pride fueled by the pain of unresolved shame and guilt.  He tells us to lay it down and tell God that while the price was higher than what we think we are worth, we will receive it with gratitude (Chapter 6).

God paid the highest price possible to free us from our sins and our certain death, just in the hope that we would love Him back, and share our eternal life with Him in paradise.  For me, I'm not that great of company, so I can't imagine why He would want to spend eternity with me.  But I won't argue.  I'll happily accept it.

It isn't up to us to decide if we were worth it or not.  We are, because He says we are.  He did it with no guarantee of any return on his investment (to put it in business terms).  How blessed are we when we recognize and appreciate our value that He determined, and return it back to Him in service, honor, praise, and worship.  What we are returning back could never be enough, but it's all He asks of us.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for valuing me above and beyond anything I could ever imagine.  Thank You for the sacrifice of Your dearly loved Son.  While the price was higher than what I think I am worth, I happily receive it with gratitude.  You know my worth much better than I do, and I trust Your calculations.  Thank You so much for accepting me with all my quirks and shortcomings, and I pray that I can be of use to Your Kingdom on earth and in Heaven.  I will gladly serve, praise, honor, and worship You with all that I have for the rest of my life on earth and eternity in Your Kingdom.  I pray for those that haven't laid down their pride fueled by the pain of their unresolved shame and guilt.  My prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will continue to stir in their hearts so that they can see that their inherent value is far greater than they could possibly imagine and they will come to You on bended knee and accept Your free gift of salvation and eternal life.  In Jesus' precious, powerful, and Holy name I pray.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Order of Operations

1 Chronicles 13:2 - Then he addressed the entire assembly of Israel as follows: "If you approve and if it is the will of the Lord our God, let us send messages to all the Israelites throughout the land, including the priests and Levites in their towns and pasteurelands.  Let us invite them to come and join us."

When David wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, he went about it the wrong way.  As a result a man was killed (Uzzah), and things didn't go well to the point that they were delayed in bringing the Ark to Jerusalem.

This passage tells us how David had gone about bringing the Ark to Jerusalem.  First, he consulted his generals and captains of the army (verse 1).  Then when he addressed the assembly, he said if they approved and it was the will of God.  Therein lies the problem.  He planned then asked God to bless his plans.

I've been taking an Algebra class lately, and one of the biggest things that is stressed throughout when solving these evil little equations, is following the order of operations.  It is very easy to do things the way we see fit, and not involve God.  The problem is, if it's not God's will for us, it's not going to turn out right.  While I am convinced that Algebra is the work of the devil, it does give us useful tools for every day life.  It teaches us to follow structure and think logically when working on something.  The Bible teaches that the structure we follow and the logic we process should begin and end with God.

In his book Pursued, Jud Wilhite talks about how much we rely on God's strength and don't realize it.  He tells a story how he was convinced that everything he had accomplished he did "On his own with God" (Chapter 4).  He points out that when the foolishness of his train of thought was brought to his attention, he realized that he did none of it on his own and that everything he accomplished was a gift from God.  Because of God's grace.

It's hard to see where we fall short, or to see where we do things the wrong way.  God will often put people in our paths to point things out that He needs us to see so that we can follow the proper order of operations and do them the right way.  We have to remember that God's will is perfect and that what we do has little significance, impact, or chance of success when we don't involve Him first.  Our order of operations for life needs to start with Him so that He can tell us the correct steps to take to follow, and then end with Him when we give Him the glory for our success.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for showing me where to go and how to do things.  I know that I may have a tendency to follow my own plans from time to time and not involve You.  For that I am sorry.  I am also grateful for Your unfailing love and grace that allows me to come to You in prayer and receive Your forgiveness.  I pray for those that have failed to pray before planning.  My prayer is that they will see that they need to rely on Your gifts and Your grace to live the life You have planned for them.  I know You will put the right people in their paths to show them.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tear Your Heart

Joel 2:13 - "Don't tear your clothing in grief, but tear your hearts instead."  Return to the Lord your God, for He is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.  He is eager to relent and not punish.

To show your grief, the custom in ancient times was to tear your clothes.  But that was just an outward expression of your grief.  God wants us to tear our hearts when we are grieved.

What, why?!  That sounds painful!  Well everything that is true about us, good or bad, comes from our heart.  Our heart reveals our true nature.  Jesus talked about this when he was talking about inner purity and He said that the words we speak come from the heart, and that is what defiles us (Matthew 15:18).

In this passage from Joel, the people were grieved because they believed that God had abandoned them.  They tore their clothing in grief, and believed that if they showed God that they were grieved, He would return to them.  But God had never left them.  He knew their hearts, and that's what needed to be changed, not their Armani Tunic's (they had Armani back then, right?).

It's easy for us to walk around and look sad or depressed because we believe that God isn't listening to us.  It gets us attention from people, and they tend to share in our misery and try to lift us up, or further encourage us to walk away from God (depending on their beliefs).  If we really want to hear from God, to commune with Him, and have an intimate relationship with Him, we have to turn (see: tear) our hearts to Him.  We have to tear them in grief and let Him inside so He can transform us from the inside out.  As Paul said, that is the way to truly worship Him (Romans 12:1-2).

Am I tearing my heart to let God in every day?

Dear Abba Father, thank You for showing me the path to You through Your Son Jesus Christ.  Thank You for Your Word that gives me the instructions I need to live a life dedicated to You and Your Heavenly Kingdom.  Please give me the strength and courage to keep my heart focused on You every day, and to keep my heart open to You so that You can come inside and change me more every day.  I pray for those that haven't opened up to You.  My prayer is that they will stop going through the motions of acknowledging You so that others can see, and open their hearts to You so that You can come in and change them for the better.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Just Passing Through

1 Peter 1:6 - So be truly glad.  There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.

I love Peter's reminder that no matter what we go through - whether it is physical, emotional, or psychological pain - it is all temporary.  Peter compares the suffering we are going through and will go through to gold being refined and purified in fire (verse 7).  But Peter promises that there is wonderful joy ahead.

Paul talked about this quite a bit as well.  In 2 Corinthians 4:17 Paul said that our troubles are small and won't last.  I really liked how Paul said that the glory that they produce outweighs them and will last forever.  These are both great reminders that nothing can hurt us.  It will all get better.

Easier said than done, right?  It can be so hard to see things down the road when you're going through a hard time.  It feels like it is next to impossible to see the good that will come out of a trial.  We get stuck in a situation and it just feels like there is no end to it.

I have been dealing with a tough situation at work for the last 6 months, that has tested just about every bit of patience and understanding that I have.  Looking at things with an eternal perspective is the key to me keeping my sanity and I have a hard time keeping that perspective sometimes..  Keeping my heart and mind focused on the great things God has planned for me is what gets me going every day.  I have to remind myself every day that this is nothing compared to the glory that God will reveal to me (Romans 8:18).  Coming across Scripture like this really helps.

The Romans verse is written on my whiteboard in my office, so that I see it every time I walk in.  This particular verse from 1 Peter I came across twice in two different devotionals this morning.  No one can tell me that God isn't trying to get my attention and remind of His promise to me.  I love when God speaks to me like that.  It refreshes me and reminds me that no matter what trial I am going through, I am just passing through to His greater plan for me and His glory.

Dear Lord, thank You for speaking to me.  I cannot thank You enough for everything You have done for me, and everything You have promised me.  Because of Your promise to make me stronger and see me through, I know I am just passing through this rough patch into greater things that will bring You greater glory.  I pray for those that have a hard time seeing things with an eternal perspective.  My prayer is that they will hear from You through Your Word or prayer, or perhaps You will put someone in their path with a message from You that reminds them that this too shall pass.  I pray that they will focus their hearts on You for their deliverance.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

You Are Loved

Matthew 6:26 - "Look at the birds.  They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your Heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren't you far more valuable to Him than they are?"

Jesus reminds us just how much we are loved by God.  In the Sermon on the Mount, He addresses worry and tells us how God will always provide for us because He loves us more than anything else He created.

It can be so easy to believe that we aren't worthy of God's love.  We may make it difficult for Him to love us, but He does, and He never stops.  I remember once as a teenager I had gotten in trouble for something, and my dad punished me.  I totally deserved the punishment, because I had done something stupid (my specialty).  A day or two after I had gotten caught, my dad took me to the movies.  I will forever remember what my dad said to me when we were driving to the movies.  He said, "I just want you to know that sometimes you do things that make me not like you very much.  But I will always love you, and nothing will ever change that."

I believe that is how God loves us.  He may not like us sometimes, and let's be realistic, we make it really hard to like us sometimes.  But He will always love us, and nothing can ever change that.  At church recently, our Pastor mentioned this, and told us that we need to understand our worth.  As Jesus points out, God provides for all of His creation (like the birds mentioned earlier), even though they don't do anything, and we are far more valuable to Him than anything else in creation.

We are loved by a perfect God who will always love us, provide for us, and protect us.  I like how Proverbs 3:25-26 puts it, "You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security.  He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap."  We may slip and stumble, but God's hand will always be there to keep us from taking that endless tumble away from Him.  We have to let Him in.  He just wants to show us how much He love us.

Dear Father, thank You for loving me when I made it (and still do sometimes) so hard to do so.  I am grateful because of Your loving protection and provision for my life.  Your blessings overwhelm me.  I have no fear of anything that man can do to me, because I know that You are always with me.  I pray for those that don't realize just how much You really do love them.  My prayer is that they will feel Your love through the power of Your Holy Spirit, and let You in and let You love them like You have always wanted to do.  Heal their hearts, Lord, and show them their worth.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Morning People

Lamentations 3:22-23 - The faithful love of the Lord never ends!  His mercies never cease.  Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.

Every day is a new chance.  A new opportunity to serve God and His people.  God renews His covenant of love and redemption with His chosen people every day.

Aren't morning people just...annoying sometimes?  They're so chipper and happy and ready to get the day rolling.  I think they are, and I'm one of them!  I wasn't always a morning person though.  I remember when I was in Army boot camp and being convinced that the Drill Sergeant's were pure evil for getting us out of bed at 4:30-5:00 AM to go run 6 or 7 miles.  I mean, who does that?!

Like anything though, you get accustomed to certain things and they become habit.  Being an early riser and a morning person was not one of those for me.  It took some serious work.  I actually enjoy being up before the sun (usually) and having my coffee and spending my time with God before I go out into the world.  The things He shows me in His Word every day always remind me of the love He has for me and the hope He gives me.  And more often than not, He shows me something in His Word that prepares me for a situation that I am going to experience that day.  He is always faithful in reminding me when He wakes me up in the morning that that day is a new chance to be a positive influence for His Kingdom with those I encounter.  He renews His covenant with me every day as a reminder that He is always with me, and He will always be faithful to me.

Allowing God into our everyday life and routine (yes I'm one of those that has a routine too), isn't easy.  It took some getting used to.  It takes discipline to be willing to change our ways and allow God to transform us into the servant He desires us to be (Romans 12:1-2).  The more effort we put into spending quality time with Him, the more blessings we experience from Him.  I will always trust Him to be faithful to His promises.

Dear Father, thank You so much for renewing my heart and mind every day during our time together.  I pray that You will continue to reveal Yourself to me through Your Word and blessings, as You have promised to do for those who remain faithful to You.  I pray for those that can't seem to make time to spend with You every day.  Changing habits and routines is not easy, and I pray that You will continue being patient with them as they work to transform themselves for You.  My trust in Your faithfulness and Your love will never end, and I pray that if I can be helpful to anyone, You will use me according to Your will and purpose for me.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Wait...What's The Catch?

Jeremiah 1:5 - "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations."

God really has set us apart to be His disciples and show His love to everyone.  He did this long before we were ever born.  All out of love.

So what's the catch?  It can be very hard to accept God's unconditional love for us.  Or anything unconditionally for that matter.  Our finite human minds aren't built to fully understand God's plan for us.  Which is why He reveals them to us little by little.  It's also very hard to accept things without something attached.

In his book Pursued, Jud Wilhite tells us that God's love is so different than how we love each other.  He says, "We love each other if, because, and when" (Chapter 5).  And when someone doesn't meet our standards...adios (paraphrasing).  Wilhite also says that God's love is in another category by itself and that He loves us in spite of any standards and shortcomings.  How amazing is that?!  There really is no catch.

The key is to keep our hearts focused on Him.  God can't work in our lives if we don't let Him.  I believe that one of the hardest times to stay focused on God and His plan is when we are mourning the loss of a loved one.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4).  It's hard to see God's blessings when a loved one passes away suddenly, particularly if they are still relatively young.

But the blessing is when we resist the temptation of the enemy to walk away from God and give up on Him.  The enemy will take the opportunity to whisper in your ear that God doesn't really care about you or you wouldn't be going through this.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Job was a great example of this.  His own wife was telling him to just give up on God and call it a day (Job 2:9).  But Job refused.  When Job responded the way he was supposed to, we are told that God blessed him even more than He had in the beginning of his life (Job 42:12).

Just because it's hard to see God's plan for good in a situation where we lose someone like that, does not mean that it doesn't exist.  If we maintain our focus on God during that time, we allow Him to work within us and reveal His plan to us, and bless us even more than He already has.  And He has promised there are no strings attached...

Dear Father, thank You for Your Word and Your love.  Thank You for reminding us just how much You love us, and have always had us on Your mind through all of eternity.  I pray that I can maintain my focus on that unconditional love You have for me at all times.  Although I know I will fall short, I pray that I remember that You will still love me unconditionally in spite of my shortcomings.  I pray for those that just can't see this love You have for them.  Maybe they are in a period of mourning for a lost loved one, and simply can't see the good of Your plan in their situation.  My prayer is that You will continue to be with them and give them the rest, comfort, and peace to know that You are indeed there, and You will always be there when they open their hearts to You and put their focus on You and Your love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Wrong Direction

Luke 21:34 - "Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap."

Jesus' warning about His second coming has so much relevance to today's world.  How often do we get caught up worrying about every day issues in our lives and lose our focus on God?

I know I have been guilty of this more times than I care to admit.  It's not that the problems we face or the temptations and trials we endure are unimportant, because they are.  But our focus during those times is what matters the most.  Our focus determines our reality.

The Apostle Paul tells us that God is always faithful, and He will never let us go through anything that we can't handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).  He will always show us a way through the storm.  But the first step in seeing that path, is to be focused on God and His will for us.  It's easy to say, "I got through this with God."  But that's not an accurate description.  It should be, "God got me through this."

Ever been in a car accident?  Often, one of the first responses after the accident is, "Man, I didn't even see that coming."  That's what Jesus is trying to warn us about.  We need to be focused on Him and alert for His will to be revealed to us.  That way, when He does return (not if), we don't get caught looking in the wrong direction.  We won't be caught unaware.  We'll have our hearts focused on the right thing (Him), and we will get to join the party in Heaven.

Dear Abba Father, thank You so much for the great wisdom You share with us through Your word.  I pray that I will keep my heart focused on You and Your will for me, so that I am not caught off guard by focusing on the temporal worries of this life.  You are all that matters, and I want my focus to be on that.  I pray for those that don't know You and aren't focused on You.  My prayer is that they will spend time learning about You in an intimate way through Your Word and in prayer, so that they may be focused in the right direction when the time comes.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!