Friday, August 9, 2013

Stay Free

Galatians 5:1 - So Christ has truly set us free.  Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again to the law.

This passage is such a great reminder for us not to slip back into our old ways.  Christ paid a HUGE price (to say the least) for our freedom, and it is up to us to maintain that freedom.  The Bible never says that maintaining the freedom would be easy, but it does say that it is worth it...repeatedly.  We work to maintain that freedom through ceaseless prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and studying God's Word (Joshua 1:8).  The Bible is Freedom.

This passage has always meant a lot to me.  Through the years of my recovery from drug addiction (14 1/2 now), there were a ton of times (conservatively) that I had the desires to go back to what I was doing.  Whenever I felt that I wasn't any fun anymore (I sorta still am fun), or that I was missing out on things, I would start to wonder why did I do this?  Then I would remember this passage, and I would ask myself, 'why did I do that?!'  That old lifestyle simply wasn't worth it.  All it promised me was temporary fun, a miserable time afterwards, and probably an early death.  Not to mention not enjoying life eternal in God's Heavenly Kingdom.  I am so blessed that I never gave in to that temptation.  I beat Satan many times, and all by the power of Jesus Christ.  That doesn't mean that Satan won't keep trying (gotta give him credit for persistence), but it also means that I WILL keep beating Him, because I have someone stronger on my side that has WAY MORE going for Him, and for ME, than Satan does.

Dear Lord, thank You for the strength I get from You that is renewed every single day.  I have been so blessed to have a relationship with You, and I cannot imagine not having it.  I never want to go another day in my life without talking to You, and studying about You, and learning about You.  In Jesus' precious and Holy name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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