Thursday, August 8, 2013

Be Strong and Courageous

Joshua 1:9 - This is my command - be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

This passage was God's confirmation to Joshua of the instructions he received from Moses.  This is a great message to all believers to be strong and courageous in their faith, and fear nothing because God is always with us and will never abandon us.  This is also a great message for leaders.  I heard this passage referenced a lot at the Leadership Summit that I attended today.  Leader's must lead with courage and keep their faith and trust in the Lord.  Leaders have to serve the ones they lead as well.  We have been given the BEST example of servant leadership in Jesus, and we should be working to emulate that in all that we do.

As a leader at my job, am I leading with courage?  Do I have no fear?  I believe that this is something that I definitely need to improve on.  Like a lot of people, I work in the secular world.  If I overstep my boundaries, I can easily find myself out of a job.  But I can't fear that.  I have to trust that God will provide.  He has promised that He would, and I know He always keeps His promises.  I and another supervisor, recently endeavored to do what is right for the people we lead.  Our staff hasn't been getting treated very well by our manager, so we went around him and took on a larger leadership responsibility than we normally would need to.  This could easily cost us our jobs down the road, but we took that courageous step of faith to do what is right by the people that we lead.  Because to lead them, we also have to serve them.  We have to maintain our trust in God to provide for us.  He has already promised He will, and we are being strong and courageous, as leaders are commanded.

Dear Lord, thank You for allowing me to serve You and the people I lead.  Please help me to make the right decisions on a daily basis that does right by them and brings You the glory.  I ask for Your continued strength during this season at my job that my strength and courage will not waver in the face of opposition, because I trust that I am doing right by Your standards and according to Your will.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!