Thursday, August 29, 2013


1 Kings 17:15 - So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days.

The woman had already received her instructions from the Lord to feed Elijah, but she didn't obey at first.  Elijah had to convince her that everything would be fine.  Once she obeyed, she enjoyed more than she had hoped for.  It's very easy for us to hold some reservations about trusting God's instructions to us.  We have to get past our natural human instinct to question everything and just trust and obey God's will for us.

Do I trust God implicitly, or do I tend to question things?  I certainly have a tendency to over-analyze things a lot, and I have questioned quite a bit.  God deserves so much credit for His infinite patience, because I'm sure there have been plenty of times where He just wanted to say, "Wayne...shut up for a second and listen."  I will get better about this, because I have seen the fruit of my obedience to Him when I was quiet and listened, and I know that I can trust God completely.  I just need to shut up and do it more often.

Dear Lord, thank You for having so much patience with me.  Sometimes I feel like I am testing the limits of your patience and grace for me, but then I remember that Your love has no end.  I trust You to work in my heart so that I can be more obedient to Your still voice, and listen to Your plan for me.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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