Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not Always Right

James 3:17 - But the wisdom from above is first of all pure.  It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others.  It is full of mercy and good deeds.  It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.

The wisdom we receive from God is always pure and perfect.  We must humble our hearts and accept the fact that we are not always going to be right.  We have to be willing to yield to others' input and opinions, and do it in a gentle and loving way.  This doesn't mean we always have to give in to what other people say.  It means that when we're not right, we have to accept it and admit it.

What do you mean I'm not always right?!  That's a tough pill to swallow.  But as is always the case, the Bible is right.  I know that I can be, how shall we say...gruff...for lack of a better term.  I'm not always open to new thoughts and ideas.  But I humbled my heart and opened it to Jesus, and I know how well that has worked for me.  I have to accept that I'm not always going to be right (did I just say that out loud???), and with a gentle and loving spirit, yield to others. This will take some work, but I know God put this passage in front of me for a reason this morning.  I will work on this and I will get better.

Dear Lord, thank You for this wisdom today (and every day for that matter).  This was something I needed to hear and share.  I pray for a humble heart so that I can accept and admit when I'm not right, and that I'm willing to admit it and yield to what is right.  Not everything that comes from my mouth is going to be right.  If it was, then You didn't need to send Your Son to die for me.  I know that is not the case, so I will work harder to be more humble and open to others.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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