Monday, August 5, 2013

Kind and Open

Proverbs 3:34 - The Lord mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble.

What does it mean to be gracious?  To me it means kind and open-hearted.  God promises to be kind and open-hearted to us when we are humble, because He wants us to do the same for others.  A good leader (which God certainly is), will lead by example, and never expect a subordinate to do anything that he or she isn't willing or capable of doing him or herself.  God wants us to follow His example of graciousness.

Am I kind and open-hearted to others?  I have no right to mock the mockers, because the discipline is God's territory, and Jesus has commanded me to love and pray for them.  However, I need to make sure that I am being kind and open-hearted to everyone.  Everyone, whether they realize and accept it or not, needs God's love, and often their first experience with it is through other believers in Christ.  I must maintain a humble heart and show loving kindness to all of God's children.

Dear Lord, I ask You to continue Your work on my heart to make me a beacon of graciousness to all.  Show me how to be kind and open-hearted to everyone I encounter, so that those who don't know You will get their first glimpse of what Your love is about.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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