Monday, August 19, 2013

Great Rewards

1 Kings 3:9 - Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern Your people well and know the difference between right and wrong.  For who by himself is able to govern this great people of Yours?

I love this passage.  Solomon understood that he could not accomplish what he was supposed to without God's help.  He knew well enough not to lean on his own understanding but to trust God's guidance for him and His Chosen People.  This pleased God, and He rewarded Solomon for it.  Solomon knew that the key to governing God's people, was to serve them first.  And he served them by asking for God's wisdom to govern them justly.  Jesus later confirmed this when He told His disciples that they had to be last in order to be first.  That a true leader was first a servant to those he was supposed to lead.  God has promised great rewards to those of us that do it right.

Am I seeking God's guidance and wisdom every day so that I can not just be a good leader at work, but a good servant to God's people?  I know that I cannot do anything without God's favor, and that is something I should be seeking at all times.  Even though Solomon eventually did mess up and make mistakes, that doesn't mean he wasn't a good man.  It means he was still human.  And so am I.  God knows that I will make mistakes, and He loves me and offers me His amazing grace when I ask His forgiveness for them.  God's love and grace are my great rewards.

Dear Lord, thank You for being so patient with me.  Please continue to give me Your guidance and wisdom every day so I can be the servant leader You want me to be.  I know that I cannot lead without first serving, and I trust Your wisdom and plan for me.  I am the clay, You are the potter, and I pray for You to mold me into the person You want me to be.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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