Saturday, August 24, 2013


Psalm 139:1 - O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.

God knows everything about us.  He examines our hearts and knows our motives.  God knows what we are going to do and say before we do.  But why?  Is He just showing off that He's a big know-it-all so that He can hold it over our heads in judgment later?  Far from it!  He knows and remembers everything so that He can guide His Holy Spirit into the parts of our hearts and lives that need the most work.  He numbered the hairs on our heads (not much work required there for some of us...), because He loves us.  He wants an intimate relationship with us, and He wants to know all the details about us.

This is such a great reality check for me to make sure that I am keeping my heart and mind focused on Him.  When we're in a relationship with someone in our life, don't we take the time and effort to learn all about them?  Why should I give God any less?!  I know that my finite mind is not capable of learning everything about Him, but that doesn't mean I should give it any less effort!  On the contrary I need to be giving more effort to studying and learning about Him.  Through my intimate relationship with Christ, He will reveal His great and glorious plan for my life.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for caring.  Thank You for taking the time to know everything about me.  Your beautiful and loving heart for me is amazing, and I pray for Your guidance in keeping my focus on staying intimately close in my relationship with You.  I know You are willing to reveal more to me as I get closer to You, and that is what I pray for every day.  Thank You for this.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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