Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Greater News

1 John 5:9 - Since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the greater testimony that comes from God.  And God has testified about His Son.

Well I read it on the internet, so it must be true.  How often do we hear that?!  How quick are people to believe things they hear from what could be considered, at best, questionable sources?  Yet when presented with the truth about Jesus Christ, they are quick to say, "Oh no, that can't be true."  Is it because they are misinformed about the nature of God?  Quite possibly.  A lot of people find it hard to believe that God is so loving and forgiving, and because of that they won't accept Him.  They know deep down that they have done some bad things, and God couldn't possibly forgive them, as if they are the exception to the rule.  The great news is that they are wrong.  No one is the exception to the rule.  Everyone can be forgiven when they accept the Greater News of Jesus Christ.

Before coming to Christ, I was so hard-headed.  Okay, maybe I still am a little.  I NEVER took anything on faith, especially what people told me.  Someone could tell me the sky was blue, and depending on who they were, I was going to go check.  I had very few people ever share the Gospel with me.  I am convinced that this was God's plan.  He knows how stubborn I was, and that I needed to hear it from Him.  And, as usual, He was right.  When people tried to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I shined them on.  I had a hard time believing that I was forgivable.  It wasn't until I finally felt that nudging inside of me to pick up a Bible and start to read.  It's been an amazing ride ever since.

Dear Lord, thank You for being patient with my stubbornness.  Thank You for showing me that I was not the exception to the rule.  I have been so blessed by You, and Your love for me just blows me away.  I pray that I will continue to be in Your favor, and that You will use me to spread the Great News of Your Son Jesus Christ.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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