Friday, September 6, 2013

All Worth It

Romans 8:18 - Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later.

God makes it all worth it.  We are all going to go through problems from time to time in this life.  There is absolutely no way around it.  Some of us worse than others.  Sometimes they will feel overbearing and insurmountable.  Sometimes we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  That doesn't mean that it isn't there.  The light at the end of the tunnel is Jesus Christ, and He has promised to always be there (Matthew 28:20).  If we are struggling to see Him during our darkest times, that means we have to work harder to open our eyes and hearts to Him.  Imagine the worst pain you have had or could conceive of having or the hardest situation you could possibly have to deal with, and the pain that you would feel either emotionally or physically.  Now multiply that times infinity, and that is the amount of joy, happiness, and glory that Jesus promises to reveal to us when we meet Him.  He makes it all worth it.

Am I struggling to see His light at the end of the tunnel during my hard times?  It has been difficult sometimes, I won't deny that.  There were periods of my life where I saw absolutely no way out.  Even before I turned my heart and life over to Christ, there was always something in me that just knew there was something better.  That whatever I was going through was not how it was supposed to be, and that it would get better if I just rode the wave.  A Pastor at my church recently compared God's grace to the waves coming in on the shore.  Rolling in and washing us clean, over and over again.  That made so much sense to me.  Once I didn't just believe that God would love and forgive me, but accepted it as well, I knew that it would all be okay.  I knew that Jesus would make it all worth it, and He didn't care about what I had done.  I can sit and reflect on all the stupid things I've done in my past, but that's just me.  God doesn't do that.  Once he forgives, HE FORGETS.  We can try to remind Him, but His response will always be, "I don't remember that."

Dear Lord, thank You for being that light at the end of everyone's tunnel.  I pray that I will continue to keep my eyes open and focused on You.  I pray that those who are struggling to see that beacon of hope will stop for a minute, and pray for the kind of clarity of thought and vision that can only come from You.  Thank You so much for washing me clean of my sins, and for never remembering them.  I will work harder to forgive myself and forget my mistakes like You have, because I know that is what You want for me.  You don't want me lingering in self-doubt or self-pity because that takes my mind off of You and the amazing glory You have promised for me.  I thank You for this promise in Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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