Friday, December 6, 2013

Pride - A Dangerous Weapon

Philippians 3:7 - I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.

Nothing we could ever do is more important than what Christ did for us.  He gave us the chance to be free from our bondage of worshiping ourselves.  Pride is a dangerous and powerful weapon.  It takes away from us giving honor and glory to God for what He has orchestrated in our life.  It's easy to believe that we got where we are because of what we did, but it isn't true.  We only get where we are going by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

After dwelling on this some might wonder, "What's the point then?  Why do I bother?"  The point is that we have to responsible with the gifts we are given.  Everyone has their own gifts they are given by God, and how we utilize them is our responsibility.  When we are using our God-given talents properly, we have to remember to give the glory and honor to God because we couldn't do it without them.

Like a lot of people, I work for a pretty thankless company.  I'm really no different than most.  I like what I do because I get to play a role in making sure that kids are getting educated who otherwise might not.  I get to use my God-given talents of leadership and organization to make sure the tools needed are getting out and into the hands of those that need them in a timely manner.  But there is no material reward for what I do beyond a paycheck to pay my bills.  I'm fine with that, because the kids are getting the reward of wisdom.

The Bible speaks about wisdom frequently, and a lot of it is in the book of Proverbs.  In Proverbs 11:2, it says, "Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom" (NLT).  I have to remind myself that it isn't about me.  It doesn't matter about any material rewards I may or may not receive.  It is about using God's talents responsibly and appropriately, and giving Him the glory for it.  I would be nothing without God in my life.  It took me a long time to realize that.  I wished I had discovered it earlier in life, but everything happens according to His timing, which is perfect.  I am blessed beyond words for what I get to do, and how I am able to serve God's people.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your tremendous blessings, and for the talents and abilities You have blessed me with.  I pray that I will forever serve You and Your people, and that I will always remember to give You the honor and glory for what I do.  In Jesus' powerful and glorious name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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