Sunday, December 8, 2013

A True Servant

John 13:8 - "No," Peter protested, "You will never ever wash my feet!"  Jesus replied, "Unless I wash you, you won't belong to me."

Jesus exemplified what a true servant was to be like.  The night before He died, all that He focused on was making sure that His disciples were taken care of.  He knew what was ahead of Him, and He knew that God was going to take care of Him.  He kept teaching until the end and serving His disciples to make sure they would be ready to spread His message after He was gone.

How would most of us react if we knew the exact time we were going to die?  There are plenty of us that would take the opportunity to enjoy every last possible minute we had.  What about our families?  Would we want them to be prepared?  What about our kids (if you have them)?  Wouldn't a parent want to make sure they were as equipped for life without you as they possibly could be?

The fact is, we don't know the exact time we are going to die.  I once heard a Pastor ask the question, "Would you do it if God was standing there with you?"  The truth is, He is standing there with us - all the time.  We should strive to be examples of integrity, love, and service to those we encounter every day.  We should live and love and serve like it's our last chance to ever do so, because we never know when it will be.

Am I living like that?  Am I serving everyone I can based on the instructions of the Great Teacher?  I really do love to do for others.  I do get a lot of joy out of it.  But I think I could be better about it.  I have to work on not doing it only when it's convenient for me.  I have really felt this weighing on my heart recently, and I feel so blessed that God put this section of Scripture in front of me this morning.  He works in such great ways.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for Your loving convictions.  Thank You for teaching me through Your Word.  I am beyond blessed because of everything You do for me.  Thank You for reminding me what a true servant is supposed to look like.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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