Friday, December 27, 2013

Always Constant

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I love this promise.  In a world that seems to be so out of control, it is so reassuring to know that the One who created the world is in control.  He isn't going anywhere.  He has promised to be with us forever (Matthew 28:20).

Our daily lives can be so hectic sometimes.  We run around like chickens with our heads cut off, but when we take the time to pause and remember that God is in control, it has such a great calming effect on us.  More often than not, we try to figure out ways to make things more manageable.  We don't need to do that.  God's job is already taken, and He does a fantastic job of doing it.  We need to trust His plan for us.  We need to quiet our minds, and spend some time talking to Him.  He will tell us great and mighty things He has planned for us, and nothing is out of His control.

Am I quieting my mind so that I can listen to Him?  I have gotten so much better about this in the last couple of years.  I get so busy with work and school, that I can start to feel overwhelmed, and I don't feel like I'm making any progress on anything.  But I am.  God isn't going to give me more than I can handle, even though it feels like it sometimes.  He gives me just enough to build me up stronger, and I have to trust Him and give Him the glory for it.

Dear Lord, thank You for giving me what I need to get through every day, and for showing me that You are always in control.  I pray for Your continued strength to keep on trusting Your plan for me, because I know that I can and will accomplish everything You have for me by Your power.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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