Saturday, December 14, 2013

Looking Back...

Ecclesiastes 7:10 - Don't long for the "good old days."  This is not wise.

How often do we sit and think about the could have's, should have's, and would have's?  If only I had done this or that differently, life would be so much better...  Would it though?

God put us on the path we are on for a purpose.  He chose us because He loves us.  We could have exercised our free will and ignored Him and His calling, but would our lives have been better?  Not a chance.  When we accepted His love and sacrifice, we exchanged a life of death and eternal darkness for eternal life in His Glorious Kingdom.  I think we got the better end of that deal.

I have never been one for regret.  I believe that regret is a wasted emotion because all it does is dwell on the negative aspect of things, instead of focusing on learning from mistakes and making us better.  God wants us to be better, which is why He offered His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.  He wants us to have the eternal life in His Glorious Kingdom.

I'm not saying that we should never think about the past.  Looking back is not a terrible thing.  But we should be looking back to focus on how we can learn from our mistakes, and make us better people that can love God and others and serve Him and His people better.  If I just reflected on the bad and/or stupid things I've done, it would totally consume my time.  I wouldn't have time for anything else.  I am where God wants me to be at this moment.  Every experience is part of His divine plan for me and my life.  As it is for you and your life.  That is a blessing...

Dear Lord, thank You for the wonderful blessings You have given me.  I am so grateful for the path You have put me on, because it led me to You.  I pray for Your continued strength and guidance so that I may serve You and Your people with love and joy forever.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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