Tuesday, December 31, 2013

He Always Wants Us Back

Jeremiah 15:19 - This is how the Lord responds: "If you return to Me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve Me.  If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be My spokesman.  You must influence them; do not let them influence you."

No matter what we have done, God still wants us back.  He always wants His children to be with their family - God's family.

When I read this passage and think about it in this context, it makes me think of a teacher with a class on a field trip.  No matter how hard the teacher tries to keep the class together, inevitably there is going to be one or two stragglers.  The teacher will say, "Hang on, we have to wait for Wayne to catch up." (or whatever the kid's name may be...)  ;-).  That's what God does for us.  He waits for us to catch up to the rest of the crowd.

Even when we backslide, He still waits.  The Pastor at my church once spoke about backsliding.  He said that no matter how many steps we may slide back in our faith, it only takes one step forward to be back in God's arms.  As I struggled with my faith for nearly 10 years after I was first saved, I almost had myself convinced that God gave me all the chances He was going to give me, and I was on my own.  Nothing could have been farther from the truth.  He was right where I had left Him, waiting for me to catch up.

My prayer tonight, as the clock gets ready to turn over to the New Year, is that anyone who may read this (all five of you) will remember that God is always there for you.  He is just waiting for you to catch up and join the rest of the family.

For those of you that I have gotten to know over the last year, thank you.  Thank you for the honor and privilege of your friendship, and for being amazing brothers and sisters in Christ.  I pray that this next year and beyond will be filled with God's amazing blessings on you and your families.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for waiting.  I gave you no reason whatsoever to sit around and wait for this late bloomer, and gave You every reason to just keep walking.  I love when You show me passages like this that remind me that You always want us back no matter what.  Thank You so much for loving me, and allowing me the opportunity to serve You and Your people.  In Jesus' precious, powerful, and Holy name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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