Friday, December 20, 2013

Always Shining

Malachi 3:18 - Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12) and He has commanded us to be the light of the world as well (Matthew 5:14).  We do this by letting His light shine through us.  When we are doing it right, people will notice a difference.

We can't do it half way though.  We can't be convenient Christians that believe, pray, and talk about what God is doing in our lives when it suits our needs.  Jesus said that if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before the Father (Matthew 10:33).  God didn't send Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins because it was convenient for Him.  He did it because He loved us.

I regularly see people on Facebook and Twitter with different accounts for their regular friends and their Christian friends.  They have said things like, "Well not all of my friends are Christian, so I have this anonymous account so I can talk about Jesus.  I just don't want to offend anyone."  We should NEVER be afraid to share the Word of God (Romans 1:16).  Who are these people reaching out to, if they're not letting their non-believing friends hear the Word?  Other Christians?  Sure we can always use encouragement, but quoting Bible verses from someone who is hesitant or ashamed to share the Word of God with people who don't know it doesn't encourage people.  It only shows them how to live two lives, neither of which are genuine.

Am I being a light to the world?  Am I always letting God's light shine through me to people I encounter?  Though it can be difficult to be a Christian in a non-Christian workplace, I cannot allow that to discourage me or cause me to live separate lives.  I have to be a 24:7 Christian.  God loves me all the time, not just when it's convenient for Him.  I have a duty to do the same.

Dear Abba Father, please continue to fill me with the love and strength to be a powerful witness for You no matter where I may be.  I thank You for the opportunity to share Your Word with a coworker yesterday.  I pray that You will continue to work in her heart, so that she will continue to seek You.  Thank You for your continual blessings in my life, and please continue to use me for Your glory wherever I can serve You and others.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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