Friday, November 8, 2013

Not A Letdown

Romans 5:5 - And this hope will not lead to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.

God does not disappoint us.  When our lives change because we die to our old life and begin a new one in God's family, there can be a tough transition.  Any radical change can be very difficult.  We often feel that we have been let down because we had so much fun in our old life.  Was it really that much fun?  Was our meaningless purpose really worth preserving?  I would emphatically say no!  When we are saved by our faith in Jesus Christ, our life takes on real meaning and purpose.  God will never let us down.  We learn to enjoy life in new ways.  If our old friends don't want to be a part of that, THEY are the ones missing out.  God will never let us down.  Jesus never said life in His family and His service would be easy, He just promised that it would be worth it.  And boy, is it ever...

One of my biggest struggles when I started my new life with Jesus, was getting rid of my old ways.  My old habits and behaviors.  I still have problems with it from time to time, but not nearly like I used to.  God has shown me that He is worth it, and He is not a letdown.  I have exceedingly more happiness with Him in one day, than I ever had in my whole life without Him.  That sounds like a lopsided trade in my favor...but He doesn't mind.  He loves me that much.  As long as I keep my eye on His prize, I will remember that He is worth it.  I will remember that I can accomplish ANYTHING by His power that He wants for me.  And He wants me to be happy.  To find joy in Him.  And I have.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for giving me the joy and happiness that I never could find anywhere else.  I know that it felt like I was happy sometimes before I accepted You in my life, but I wasn't.  I am SO MUCH better off for leaving my old ways and old life behind me for a new life filled with Your love and grace.  Thank you for never letting me down.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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