Sunday, November 17, 2013

Never Forget

Psalm 103:2 - Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me.

This can be tough sometimes.  The problem we often have, is that we're human...all of us (hold off on the ex-wife jokes).  When things aren't going our way, or at least the way we feel they should be going, we have a tendency to try to fix them ourselves.  I would make a rough guess estimate that 99% of people do this.  The other 1%...well they're probably lying about it...

It's very easy to say, "Well God isn't listening anymore."  Or perhaps, "He's given up on me."  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Ephesians 2:4-9 reminds us that Jesus is not JUST our Lord and Savior (as if that wasn't enough...), but He's also our partner.  He gave us life and allows us to sit with Him in Heaven.  He saved us by His special favor.  He didn't do that because He was bored and lookin for kicks on a Friday night.  He wants us to be partners with Him in our journey through life and into His Glorious Kingdom.  We have to remind ourselves to not forget that we are NEVER in this by ourselves.  He is ALWAYS listening, and He will NEVER give up on us.  If we aren't hearing the answers we THINK we should be hearing from God, I see it as one of two possibilities: 1) We aren't asking the right questions, or 2) He's giving us the right answers (He always does), just not OUR answers.

We have to remind ourselves of all the good He has done for us, and will continue to do for us when we are staying in tune with His will and purpose for us.  We start by diving into His word daily, letting go of ourselves to be trusting and obedient to Him in everything.  We should seek His will in all we do, not ask Him to change His will to what our perception of His will should be.

How about me?  Am I truly seeking HIS will and purpose for my life?  It can be difficult, but I have to keep reminding myself of all the good (see GREAT) things He has done for me throughout my life (everyday).  He will continue to show me down the right path when I am staying true to Him, and making sure that I give Him all the praise and glory He deserves.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for this.  I catch myself often forgetting (more often than I would like to admit) of all the amazing and awesome things You have orchestrated on my behalf throughout the years.  Please give me the wisdom to remember You in everything, and give you the praise, honor, and glory that You have so richly earned and deserve.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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