Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mighty Faith

Mark 11:24 - "I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe you've received it, it will be yours."

In this section, Jesus gives some great encouragement about faith and prayer.  If our heart is true when we pray, we will accomplish anything.  If our faith is mighty, so too will be our reward in Heaven.

Is my faith strong enough to move mountains?  Like anyone, there are highs and lows.  I'm still human.  When my faith is strong, I really do feel like I can move mountains.  When I am struggling, I feel as if I couldn't move a small pebble.  I need to work to make sure I limit these lows.  I know they are caused by me allowing Satan's influence to creep into my life.  If I limit the lows, God will increase the highs to soaring heights.

Dear Lord, thank You for moving mountains out of my path and making Your path rewarding.  I trust that You will increase my faith as long as I stay strong in my resistance to the wickedness of man.  I know that I truly can accomplish anything by Your strength.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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