Saturday, February 1, 2014

What A Difference

Exodus 32:32 - "But now, if You will only forgive their sin - but if not, erase my name from the record You have written!"

The same Moses from Exodus 4 that tried to come up with every excuse he could think of to keep from leading and serving God's people has come to the point where he tries to offer himself up as a sacrifice for their sins.  What brought this change about?  An intimate relationship with God.

An intimate relationship with God is what truly makes us unique from those that just say they believe but don't really do anything about it.  Once we have accepted His free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ, repented of our sins, and received the Holy Spirit into our hearts, it's up to us to stay close to Him.  It was a little different for Moses since this was before Jesus came into the world, but he still had to work on the relationship with God.

God doesn't expect us to be perfect, He expects us to meet Him half way.  He even bends down to listen to us (Psalm 116:2).  He is willing to meet us more than half way.  For a long time I believed that since I believed in God, I was good to go.  I was a relatively good person, so I didn't really need to read the Bible or go to Church or pray a lot.

What a difference a prayer makes.  During a time when I just felt confused about my purpose and direction, I prayed.  God put it on my heart to open His Word and start to study Him.  He wanted that intimate relationship with me, but I needed to do my part.  My life hasn't been the same since, and I never want it to be either.  He has shown me so much over the last 5 years, and I cannot imagine my life without being intimately connected to Him.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for showing me the Way.  Thank You for showing me that You wanted to be intimately close with me.  I have been so blessed by Your love and grace.  I pray for those that don't have that intimate relationship with You.  I pray their hearts will soften, and they will seek You.  I want them to receive the amazing blessings You have for them.  We know You will always love us and bend down to listen to us.  Thank You for meeting us more than half way.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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