Friday, February 28, 2014

No Fear

Philippians 1:28 - Don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies.  This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God Himself.

What can man do to us when we stand up and face down the fear tactics of the enemy?  Absolutely nothing.  Like the question of what do you get the person who has everything, what can you do to someone that has nothing to lose and everything to gain?

Although we don't face the persecution that a lot of people do in other parts of the world, I do believe that time will come some day.  When we stand up in the face of fear, it takes away the (perceived) power that fear/hate mongers think they have.  It puts it back in their face, so to speak, and shows them that they just lost.

We already know that Christ wins in the end.  We've read the last chapter.  But when we show them as well by standing up in the face of fear, they will finally see it as well.  Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Let them kill us, if that's what it takes.  Either way, Christ will be glorified, and then we get to begin our eternity with Him in His Glorious Kingdom.

Dear Lord, thank You for the privilege of knowing You.  Thank You for the strength You give to get me through every situation in life.  I know that by Your power alone, I can and will overcome everything no matter how big or small it may seem.  I pray for those that haven't experienced that power and feeling of comfort yet because they don't know You.  My prayer is that they will open their hearts to You, and see and feel Your majestic splendor in all its glory.  I pray they will read that last chapter and understand that when they open their hearts to Your knocking, they have just won.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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