Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let God Work

Exodus 14:13 - But Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid.  Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.  The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again."

While the people were beginning to panic as the Egyptians were gaining on them, Moses reminded them that they only had to trust in God.  He had promised to deliver them, and He always came through.

This is something I have to be reminded of regularly.  When things aren't happening fast enough for my liking, how often do I try to play God and speed them up, or do I let go and let God work?  While I have gotten better about trusting Him and letting Him do His great work that He has for me, I still need to work on this.

How often do we all try to orchestrate things so they work in our favor, faster?  If it's not happening yet, it's because of two reasons: Either God doesn't want it for us yet, or He has something much greater planned for us.  Either way, we need to let Him work in and through us and watch how He delivers in amazing ways.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for Your love and patience with me, especially when I am impatient with the way things are happening.  I know You have only great things planned for me.  Please help me to remember to get out of the way and let You work.  I pray for those that are struggling with trusting in Your will for their lives.  I pray that they will remember that You have promised to deliver them into great and mighty things.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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