Monday, February 17, 2014

Rejoice In Him

Luke 10:20 - "But don't rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in Heaven."

Jesus reminds us not to boast or rejoice in the work we do for the Kingdom of God.  Our work won't save us.  But we are to rejoice in the fact we are saved and set apart to spend eternity in Heaven with God.  We are saved and set apart by our faith alone.

We have been given this privilege because of the work that HE did on our behalf by offering Himself as a sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice, to God once for all time.  There is nothing we can do to earn it, all we can do is accept it.  That's why it's a free gift.  Given to us out of undeserving, yet unfailing, love.

Our faith is what produces the good works we do.  Faith without good works is dead (James 2:14), but the works don't save us.  They show everyone what kind of love we have for them and all of God's people because we were saved and redeemed.  Jesus tells us that when much is given to us, and entrusted to us, much will be required (Luke 12:48).

Much has been given to us - eternity in Heaven with our Abba Father.  Much has been entrusted to us - the salvation of lost souls by sharing the Good News (see: Great) of Jesus Christ with others.  God has entrusted this to us because He loves us, and He wants us to share His love with others that don't know or understand it.  That sure sounds like much to me.  He has given us a huge responsibility, and we should embrace it wholeheartedly.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for loving us.  Thank You for showing Your love not just by giving Your Son as a sacrifice, but also trusting us with the responsibility to help bring other souls to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  I pray for those that don't know You yet.  I pray that You will give me the strength and the words to share Your love with any who cross my path, and are unaware of what You have done for them.  I pray that I can help them see Your love and grace for what it is - amazing.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!

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