Saturday, February 8, 2014

All The Same

Acts 15:11 - "We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus."

When the arguments started to come up about the conversion of the Gentiles, some of the people weren't happy about it.  There was obviously some dislike towards the Gentiles, and they wanted to make it harder for them to be saved.

Peter, certainly being no stranger to receiving grace from Jesus, spoke up and reminded them that it doesn't work that way.  We are saved by God's grace alone.  No one is required, or should be, to jump through hoops to earn it.  It can't be earned, bought, or sold.

Reading about this reminds me of Jonah.  He didn't want the people of Nineveh to be spared because of his dislike for them, and tried to run from God.  God was obviously speaking through Peter to remind everyone that they didn't have to do anything to be saved, and neither would anyone else.  They just had to believe.

Am I accepting of everyone I meet that has been saved by their faith in Jesus Christ, or am I reserving my love for them because of past issues?  If the person I have the most issues with came up to me and told me they accepted Jesus Christ into their heart and life, would I keep them at arm's length or hug them and welcome them into the family?

Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder that we are all the same.  We are all loved by You with and unfailing love and compassion that cannot be bought or sold.  We are saved by Your grace, through our faith and trust in Your Son Jesus Christ.  I pray for those that haven't been saved yet.  I pray that their hearts will turn toward You and they understand and accept Your free gift and don't try to run the other way because they think that it isn't, shouldn't, or can't be for them.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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