Thursday, February 20, 2014

His Goals

Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

God's plans for our lives should be our #1 priority.  We need to be seeking His will first in everything we do, and when we are, He is faithful to take care of us and provide what we need.

One of the Pastor's at church was talking about this recently.  He said that one of the keys to being content was lining our goals up with God's, and not the other way around.  Our list of goals should begin with God's primary goal for us.  God's primary goal for us, is to make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

God doesn't want anyone to perish.  He doesn't want anyone to spend eternity separated from Him.  That neighbor that annoys you to no end - him too.  The coworker that tries everything she can to pull you down while lifting herself up - she has a place in God's Kingdom.  But if no one is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ's saving grace, then how are they ever supposed to find their way home to Him?  It is our duty to share His message with everyone we can, so that everyone has the opportunity to accept His salvation for them.  We can't say, "Well I'm sure someone will come along and talk to them about it.  I just don't want to deal with them."  It doesn't work that way.  Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you"...sound familiar?  What if someone else doesn't come along?

Am I going the extra mile with those I don't get along with to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, or am I trying to pass the buck to someone else?  What if I am the last chance someone has to hear the Message before it's too late for them?

Dear Lord, thank You for putting this on my heart after hearing the message last night.  I know You want everyone to come to You, and I want to do my part to bring more people to know You and Your salvation, love, and grace.  I want to be Your instrument in this.  I pray for those that don't know You that I may come in contact with.  I pray that their hearts will be opened just enough for Your Word to take a foothold, and push out the enemy's foot.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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