Friday, January 24, 2014

We Gotta Mean It

Exodus 9:30 - "But I know that you and your officials still do not fear the Lord God."

Moses knew that Pharaoh's heart was hard because God told Him it would be.  He was only saying what he believed Moses, and God, wanted to hear so the plague would be lifted.  But Moses saw through it by the grace of God.

How often do we say what we believe God wants to hear in order to receive His blessings?  But God knows our hearts.  He knows if we really mean it or not.  He knows if we are just paying Him lip service.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:8 that God already knows what we need before we ask it.  So why do we just go through the motions of babbling about things that we don't really mean?

That's a good question.  People say things they don't mean all the time, not just in prayer to God, but to other people.  Is it because they are unsure of themselves and what to say?  That's probably a good part of the reason for it.  Here's the kicker: God doesn't expect us to be perfect and always know what to say.  We expect that of ourselves, but it is an unrealistic expectation because no one is perfect.

When we pray, we will sometimes be at a loss for words.  Me being a writer by nature find myself at a loss for words all the time; and that can be hard to deal with and accept sometimes.  I catch myself praying and then I just go silent because I don't know what to say.  I stopped worrying about it, because I know that God knows my heart, and He knows what I am trying to say even though I don't.  Whenever I catch myself stumbling through prayer and not coming up with the words to say, I will usually stop and just say, "God you know my heart and what I'm trying to say."  Our God is a very understanding, forgiving, and loving God.  He doesn't fault us for being human, but loves us in spite of it.  But we gotta mean it.

Dear Lord, thank You for being so understanding and forgiving of all my imperfections and shortcomings.  I pray that I will always have the words to say from my heart when I speak to You, however I know that I won't.  You know my heart, and You know what I need before I ask for it.  I pray for those that get caught up in meaningless chatter with You and everyone in their lives, because they are struggling with the confidence in what to say.  I pray that You will put it in their hearts to just trust in You to give them the words to say when they need them, and the wisdom to just be still and quiet during other times.  Thank You for Your amazing love and grace.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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