Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our Red Sea

Exodus 14:15 - Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me?  Tell the people to get moving!"

The story of the parting of the Red Sea is a great reminder that we need to trust God through every trial we face, no matter how big or insurmountable the odds seem to be.  God was a little miffed that even though He told them He would rescue them, they were crying out and blaming Moses for leading them to doom.  He wants us to cry out to Him (prayer), but we shouldn't be constantly asking Him, "Are you sure?" when He gives us an answer.

God is bigger than any problem we face.  He can and will handle it when we seek Him in true faith.  We all have a Red Sea in our lives at one point or another.  Sometimes there is more than one.  But God doesn't want us to stop when we get there.  He has told us that He would guide and protect us.  He wants us to trust Him and get moving.

I have faced a couple of Red Sea's in my life.  The first time, I didn't have faith and it was a struggle to overcome.  I eventually came to Christ during that time, but it wasn't easy to put my faith in something I didn't understand.  But I did, and He delivered me.  Recently, I came to another one.  This time, I had confident faith that God would deliver me again, and He has.  I am blessed beyond measure because of His unfailing love and grace towards me.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for leading me through my Red Sea's.  I pray that I will continue to remain strong in my faith in You so that when I come to another one (and I'm sure there will be others), I will remember to give my problems up to You and not stop moving.  I know that You are bigger than any problem I may have, and with Your power and strength, I can overcome anything.  I pray for those that are struggling with their Red Sea's.  I pray they will seek You in humble faith to deliver them to the other side.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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