Friday, January 3, 2014

Close Fellowship

Genesis 6:9 - This is the account of Noah and his family.  Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.

One thing I noticed about this story of Noah, was how it points out that he was the only blameless person on earth at the time.  His wife, sons, and their wives were not mentioned as being blameless or righteous, yet they were saved anyway.  Why is that?  I believe it was as a reward to Noah for living in close fellowship with God.

Some could say that they were allowed to live so that Noah would have company on the boat, after all they spent a year on it.  Some could also say that someone was needed for procreation to repopulate the world.  Both ideas make sense, but I believe that just as God created Adam and Eve, He could have easily provided company for Noah, or a new mate for him to marry afterwards.  I believe giving Noah the reward of sparing the ones he loved because of his righteousness and his faith in God was the reason they were allowed to live.

We have that opportunity today as well.  While none of us are blameless or righteous, we have the opportunity to be made righteous when put our faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ.  When we accept God's free gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus, we are made righteous in His eyes, and we are given the reward of walking in close fellowship with God in His Heavenly Kingdom for eternity.  God does love to reward faith.  This does not mean that He will allow us to bring some people along for the ride just because we have accepted Jesus, but it does mean that we get to share this Good News of salvation with others so that they can repent of their sins and accept His free gift.  Like a giant snowball of love.

Dear Lord, thank You for showing me new things every day.  While this certainly isn't my first time reading the account of Noah, You always show me a new perspective when I read the stories of Your unfailing love and mercy, and I am forever grateful and blessed.  I pray that You will use me to be a faithful witness to others of Your free gift of Salvation so that more will be made righteous in Your eyes and walk in close fellowship with You in Heaven.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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