Thursday, January 23, 2014

From Galilee?!

Isaiah 9:1 - Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever.  The land of Zebulun and Naphtali will be humbled, but there will be a time in the future when Galilee of the Gentiles, which lies along the road that runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with glory.

Isaiah identifies where our hope would come from by naming the specific town that He would be raised in.  You can't really get more specific than that!  Yet many refused to believe, in particular the high priest and other Pharisees who encountered Jesus.  In John 7, the Pharisees said that no prophet ever came from Galilee.  Well, Jesus wasn't exactly a prophet.  He was the hope and Savior of mankind.

For people who professed to know the Scriptures the way the Pharisees did (and no doubt they did), it amazes me that they would turn an ignorant ear towards Jesus.  For us humans, it is difficult to put our trust in someone or something without knowing all the facts.  I think had the Pharisees taken the time to really get to know Jesus they could have come to understand and recognize who He was and why He came.  But their hearts were hard.

As with all of us, a part of that is that we aren't ready to give up our trust in ourselves, and our own way of doing things.  Especially people in power.  We think, "Well I got here by doing this and this and having trust and confidence in my abilities for all these years, why should I do any different?"  Unfortunately it is so easy to fall into that dangerous way of thinking.

I thought that way for so long.  Whenever I would get laid off from a job, I was always confident that I would find another one quickly because of my skills and abilities.  But it wasn't my skill and ability that put me in the different jobs I had.  It was God directing me, and working in the hearts of those who were hiring.  He gave me the skills and abilities I have, so I could be of some use to Him and His Kingdom while I'm here.  Just like He gave the skills and abilities to the Pharisees.  The problem was they weren't using them the way He had intended; for His glory and to lead people to Him.  They exercised their free will to choose to believe in themselves.  They chose poorly, as a lot of us do.  As I did for so long.

We are all loved by a great and mighty God that wants nothing more than to bless us.  He has given us so much in this life, we need to make sure we are being good stewards with the gifts and talents He has given us.  When it's hard to see or understand where He is leading you, don't be afraid to ask.  He longs for an intimate relationship with you.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for showing me that You are and always have been and will be in control.  I know I rebelled and worshiped myself for so long, but I am grateful I came to see the error of my ways, and put my trust and faith in You.  I know I will slip up from time to time, but I know You are a loving and forgiving God.  I pray for those that are struggling to get out of their own way, and to let You in.  I pray their hearts will finally receive Your truth and follow Your light on the path You have for them.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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