Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Infectious Love

1 Thessalonians 1:8 - And now the word of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere, even beyond Macedonia and Achaia, for wherever we go we find people telling us about your faith in God.

The deep faith in and love for Christ by the church in Thessalonica was spreading like a wildfire.  It was spreading further and faster than others expected.

Remember the show Quantum Leap?  It was a show about time travel, and the main character, Dr. Sam Beckett was aimlessly (or so it seemed) traveling around through his own lifetime and trying to put right what once went wrong in certain people's life.  In the final episode of the series, Sam was speaking to someone about what he had been doing all this time.  The guy asked Sam if he thought he was just going through time and changing one life at a time, to which Sam responded, "Basically, yeah."  The man told him he wasn't.  He said that the lives he touched, touched others.  And those others."  It was basically a domino effect.

That's how we should be with the word of God.  Sharing God's love with others has that domino effect.  It becomes infectious love that has the potential to spread like a wildfire.  I have heard some people ask, myself included, that what difference can one person make?  The answer is A TON.  We never know how God is going to use us, until we surrender ourselves and become obedient to His will.  We never know how God is planning to use someone we share the Gospel with, until we do.  You never know who's life we could be having an influence on.

Jesus told us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).  He didn't say, if you're feeling up to it.  He didn't say to worry about what to say.  He promised to give us the words we need when we need them.  We just need to trust Him and obey our calling from Him.

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me that I don't need to have a politician's ability to influence people to help them see their way to You.  I just need You.  You give the abilities needed at the right time.  I pray that You will use me to have a positive effect on someone's life for Your Kingdom, because I know that those lives will touch others, and those lives, others.  I pray for those that struggle with sharing Your Word because of their lack of confidence in their ability.  I pray for Your strength to come upon them so they see that You give the ability, and that is all they need to have confidence and faith in.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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