Friday, January 17, 2014

Don't Go Along Just To Get Along

Genesis 42:22 - "Didn't I tell you not to sin against the boy?"  Reuben asked.  "But you wouldn't listen.  And now we have to answer for his blood."

Reuben was obviously convinced that Joseph had been killed sometime after his brothers had sold him off into slavery, back in Genesis 37.  Even though Reuben did try to spare his brother's life by suggesting they throw him in the cistern instead of killing him, he didn't do what he should have done.

Reuben had a responsibility to protect Joseph, since he was one of his older brothers.  Even though the other older brothers were doing wrong, doesn't mean he had to go along with the crowd.  He should have done more to stand up for his brother and make sure that nothing happened to him, particularly considering they all knew how much Joseph was loved by their father (which is part of why they were mad at him in the first place).

It can be difficult to do the right thing when the crowd is doing something completely opposite.  Sometimes we go along to get along, and figure that we will be able to go back and right the ship later when no one else is around or ask for God's forgiveness later.  What happens when there isn't a later?  What if Reuben had an accident and died before he had the opportunity to apologize to his brother for sinning against him?  Reuben figured since he was just going along with their plan and he intended to rescue Joseph that his sin was less than his brothers.  But a sin is a sin is a sin.  There really isn't one sin bigger or worse than the other.  They are all bad.

So what could Reuben have done?  He could have stood up for his brother when he had the chance.  He might have gotten beat up for it, or perhaps thrown into the cistern with him.  But he would have had a clear conscience that he had done right.  I'd bet that he was living with a lot of agony during those years before he was reunited with Joseph.

What do we do when we're presented with the opportunity to do right even though it's not the popular idea at the time?  Do we stand up for ourselves, and our beliefs, or do we go along to get along, and secretly ask for forgiveness later?  As I once heard a Pastor say, "Would you do it if Jesus was standing there with you?"

Dear Father, thank You for this lesson today.  Thank You for Your lessons every day!  You have blessed me so much to learn from Your word.  I pray that I will always learn new things from Your word every time I open it.  I pray for those that don't really know You because they haven't spent time getting to know You through prayer and reading the Bible.  I pray that they will take the time for both so that they can have a closer and deeper relationship with You and see the abundant blessings You have for those You love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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