Monday, April 7, 2014

The Wrong Idea

1 John 1:8 - If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.

It's easy for us to convince ourselves that we are relatively good people and that we don't have any sin.  But as the Apostle John said, we are just fooling ourselves.

This was something that kept me from surrendering to Jesus Christ for a long time.  I was prideful.  I believed that I was overall a good person and I didn't need saving.  Fortunately, the Holy Spirit got a hold of my heart and showed me how wrong I really was.  I totally had the wrong idea.

I believed that since I had accepted Him as my Savior, I didn't need church or to read the Bible.  After all, I hadn't killed anyone.  Why is it that a lot of people believe that murder is the only one of the ten commandments that counts?  I hear a lot of people say, "I never killed anyone, I'm a good guy."  There's still 10 right, they didn't change it?

More than anything, I was guilty of false worship.  I believed that I was capable based on the abilities I had developed to achieve things.  I believed that I accomplished everything by my own strength.  I worshiped the god of self.  My church was my job.  My paychecks tithed to my celebration fund, where I celebrated whatever good thing I did to make myself look better to my bosses and friends.  As I said, fortunately the Holy Spirit finally got a hold of my heart, and showed me where I was soooooo wrong.

Do I still fall into this trap believing that I don't have any sin?  I don't think I do.  I know where most of my shortcomings are, and I try to avoid them as best I can.  The ones I'm unaware of, I trust that God will reveal them to me in His time.

Dear Lord, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to show me where I was so misguided and wrong.  I am blessed to have the relationship with You that I now have, and I pray that I will never turn my back on it for anything.  I pray for those that don't have that relationship with You.  My prayer is that they will walk away from the lies of the enemy and see that You are the answer they have been searching for.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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