Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just Like That

2 Timothy 4:16 - The first time I was brought before the judge, no one came with me.  Everyone abandoned me.  May it not be counted against them.

Paul was a great model of loving and forgiving as Jesus does.  Paul tells us that when he was first taken to trial, everyone abandoned him.  But without flinching, he forgave them just like that.

How hard is that to do?  Friends turn against us for various reasons or betray our confidence, and we swear we will never forgive them.  Or we say, I forgive them but I can never forget what they did.  Why not?

God never holds our sins against us after we confess and repent.  The writer of Hebrews tells us that God promises to never again remember our sins (Hebrews 8:12, Jeremiah 31:34).  So your spouse cheated on you, or stole money from you; Someone at work, who you thought was your friend, betrayed you to get a promotion over you.  Did they betray you to the point of prison and eventual death (see: Jesus, Paul)?  I'm sure they didn't (or you wouldn't be reading this).

Do you think that Jesus gives Peter a hard time in Heaven?  While I'm convinced that God does have a great sense of humor (see: the platypus), I don't think He does when it comes to sin.  He would never bring up Peter's denial of Jesus in the courtyard during the trial.  Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him (John 21:15-17).  It was a way for Peter to repent of what he had done, and Jesus never brought it up again.  I seriously doubt they would be sitting in Heaven, and Jesus would whisper to John, "Watch this.  Hey Peter, remember that time in the courtyard?!" just to get a laugh out of everyone.  He doesn't work like that.

When we are wronged, it may take a little time to process it, but then we have to forgive.  Jesus forgave us without complaining about it, and He suffered far more than we ever could (especially since He didn't deserve it).  Why can't we?

Am I forgiving and forgetting without bringing it up?  When someone wrongs me, do I truly turn the page just like that?

Dear Lord, thank You for forgiving and forgetting my sins.  I can never deserve anything more than Your just punishment for what I have done wrong.  But in Your grace you give me mercy in place of the punishment, and You never remember my sins again.  I pray for the strength to love like Jesus loves, and forgive people when they do me wrong, and to never remember it again.  I pray for those that have not been able to get over that hill of forgiveness.  My prayer is that they will seek Your strength to get over things and never remember them again.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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