Friday, April 11, 2014

Staying Focused

James 1:8 - Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

When dealing with trials and temptations, we need to keep our focus on Him.  Allowing our thoughts to be pulled in different directions makes us unstable, and will only make matters worse.

During the recent trials I have been dealing with at work, it has been difficult for me to stay focused.  In the last two days, this verse has come up twice during different devotional readings, as well as Philippians 3:13, where Paul reminds us to stay focused on what lies ahead, and forgetting about what happened.  When this happens, I know God is trying to get my attention.

He's telling me that I'm focusing on the wrong things.  I haven't completely lost my eternal perspective on things, but I am being double-minded, and that is certainly not going to help.  When I have problems at work with my boss, or anywhere else and with anyone else for that matter, I need to remember what Peter told us in 1 Peter 3:9 that I should not repay evil for evil and not retaliate with insults when I am insulted, but pay them back with a blessing.

This can be HARD!  Recently my boss was making some brash comments about her plans for our department, and I was rather taken aback at her boldness.  So before I said anything stupid (it's a gift sometimes), I walked away and said that I would be praying for her.  Later she said she felt I was being negative about her plans.  REALLY!?  Praying for someone is negative?!  I didn't even have anything to say about that (I'm rarely speechless).

I need to maintain that kind of focus during these times.  It's easy to fall into my old ways of doing things and trust in my way of handling things.  But I've already shown myself that my way doesn't work for the best.  If it did, then Jesus didn't need to die for me (and He did!), and I wouldn't be writing this.  But keeping my focus and my trust on Him is what I need to do.  When I get flustered at situations, I need to take a walk and pray about it, and for the other person.  Talking to God during these times really does clear the mind and maintain the focus.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for speaking to me through Your Word.  I love learning from You every way I can, because Your wisdom is infinite and always fits every situation I face.  I have been blessed by Your amazing teaching.  Father, I lift up those who are struggling to maintain their focus on You.  Like being unequally yoked in marriage, I pray that they will return their focus on You to avoid being double-minded.  I pray that they will see that You have everything all worked out for their good, and You are just waiting to show them when they ask.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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