Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All Things

Romans 8:28 - And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.

God can and will make it all happen for those who love Him and operate within His will and out of love for and worship to Him.

This doesn't mean we just sit back and let God do all the heavy lifting.  We need to be actively engaged in what God has called us to do.  He will never lead us down a path that we can't traverse.  He will always take care of us when we need it.

A couple of years ago, I felt a real calling on me and my life.  But I knew I wasn't equipped for it.  At first I resisted.  I believed that the calling was from God, but I was also convinced that He had the wrong guy.  I kept thinking that there was no way He wanted to use some warehouse supervisor in some small town that was a former drug addict and had been through two divorces.  During this time, I came across a couple of stories in the Bible in succession, even though they weren't right after each other in the Bible.  I came across Joseph's story in Genesis 41, and Daniel, and Esther.  I love when God speaks to me through His Word.  It was really the hand of God showing me those passages.  I came across them separately on consecutive days, and finally understood that it wasn't an accident.

After I realized that what I was thinking was the enemy trying to plant lies inside my head that I was not worth God's time, and unworthy of His calling on my life, I began to work on a plan.  I knew that I needed to go back to school, but how was I supposed to pay for it?  I prayed, and God opened doors.  God really took the time to show me that He would make everything work together for good for those who love Him and operate according to His will.

This doesn't mean that I have been perfect ever since that time.  Far from it.  I am definitely still a work in progress, and will be until I go home to be with God forever.  But I know that God is working in and through me until that time (Philippians 1:6).  I don't have everything figured out, and I never will, but I am enjoying the ride with God behind the wheel.

Dear Father, thank You for working in my life so that I may bring You the glory in all that I do.  I pray that I will continue to operate in Your will for my life.  I know I will make mistakes, but I trust that You will forgive me, and pick me back up and set me back on the right path when I fall, because that's how You work.  I pray for those that are resisting Your calling for them.  My prayer is that when the enemy tries to whisper into their head that they are no good, they will believe in their heart that they are because You said so, and You can and will make things happen for them when they trust in You and work according to Your will.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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