Saturday, April 5, 2014

After God's Heart

2 Samuel 12:13 - Then David confessed to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord."  Nathan replied, "Yes, but the Lord has forgiven you, and you won't die for this sin."

David had really made a mess of things.  He was an adulterer and a murderer.  But he did the right thing.  He confessed and repented of his sins, and God forgave him.  God didn't have to, but He did so because of His love for him.

I remember the first couple of times I read the stories of Saul and David.  I couldn't quite understand why God had such a love for David, but gave up on Saul so quickly.  In reality He didn't.  God knew Saul's heart, and He knew that Saul would not confess and repent of his sins.  David on the other hand is described as a man after God's heart.  But why?  Because of his love and fear of God and because he would confess and repent.  God knew they would both fall short of perfection, but David was the one after God's heart because of how he went about his business after the fact.

That's how it is for all of us as well.  A lot of us tend to struggle with accepting that God could ever forgive us, or want to be in a close intimate relationship with us.  But He does.  That's the beauty of it all!  Despite anything we have or could do, He desires a heart that seeks His forgiveness.  We all fall short; none of us will ever be perfect.  But we have a choice with how we respond to our shortcomings.  God has already chosen how He responds to our shortcomings.  With love, mercy, and grace.  All we have to do is respond with confession and repentance.

Am I responding correctly when I sin?  Am I after God's heart with confession and repentance, or am I giving up on myself too quickly?

Dear Lord, thank You for forgiving me when I don't deserve it.  I pray that I will seek after Your heart through confession and repentance.  I am so blessed by Your love and grace for me.  I know that it can never be earned, but was given freely when You gave Your Son as a sacrifice for me.  I pray for those that believe the lie that they have gone too far in their sin to turn back to You now.  My prayer is that they will see that it only takes a simple prayer to be right with You, and after Your heart again.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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