Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Staying Focused

Colossians 3:1-2 - Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.  2 - Think about the things of Heaven, not the things of earth.

Staying focused on God's glory and His great plan for us is the key to making it through every tough situation.

When our faith is challenged by people operating outside the will of God, we do our best to keep our hearts and minds focused on His eternal prize.  This isn't always easy, though.  We have bosses and coworkers, among others, we deal with daily that present tough challenges.

I've been having a rough go of things these last couple of months at work.  I have a new boss that is convinced she has all the answers, and doesn't really believe in the concept of communication.  While I expected things to get a little easier after getting used to the changes, things seem to have gotten worse the last couple of weeks.  Last Thursday was probably the toughest day I've had in a long time.  I had allowed myself to get so upset and worked up, that I just couldn't keep my heart and mind focused on Christ.  I was too busy thinking about the things of the earth, and I felt myself slipping away from God very quickly.  Fortunately, on Thursday nights, I have a Bible study with a great group of people, and they were really a blessing to me that night (they always are, but last Thursday especially).

I know that no one is really interested in my problems, and I don't blame you.  We've all got our own issues to deal with; our own bosses and coworkers that drive us nuts.  The point is this, we have to maintain our focus on Him if we want to keep our composure.  He is in charge and nothing happens that He doesn't want to happen.  If it's something we don't want, that can be tough to accept sometimes, but trust in God that He is only giving you bigger and better.

This past week, I haven't been praying for God to change my situation at work.  I know that it will all work out according to His will and in His time.  What I have been praying for, is better focus.  Nothing is in my control, He has this.  I have been praying for God to just invade my heart and mind every minute of the day so that I can make sure that I am keeping things in the proper (eternal) perspective.  When I have my heart and mind focused on Him and His plan, and not me and my wishes, things really do get a lot easier to deal with.

Things at work haven't really improved much over the last week, and I'm fine with that.  But my attitude has.  I just laugh things off because I know that He's got this.  God is much better at running the world than I am.  When people ask me at work how I'm able to smile and laugh at what's going on, I just tell them that it's because I know it will get better (either there or when God puts me somewhere else).  Nothing that man does can destroy me, because I know that I have eternal security in Heaven.

Dear Abba Father, thank You so much for looking out for me.  I know that You have secured my place in Heaven for me and I pray that, by Your strength and power, I will keep my heart and mind focused on my eternal prize with You in Heaven.  I pray for those that don't listen to You, and are determined to handle things on their own.  My prayer is that they will see that operating outside of Your will only brings the negative, but surrendering control to You brings great and mighty blessings.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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