Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Refuge

Psalm 91:1-2 - Those who live in the the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust in Him.

God promises to faithfully provide for and comfort those who seek their rest in Him.  For those who seek shelter under His umbrella during the storm.

This has been my life verse since I first accepted Christ as my Savior.  I can never get enough of God's promises in this passage.  But they're more than just idle promises.  You and I make promises all the time that don't mean anything.  Well I would hope we don't, but we are human after all, and it happens.  These are guarantees from a heart of love from God.

With all that has been going on recently at work, I have been trying so hard to maintain my focus on God and His Word and His love.  It hasn't been easy, that's for sure, but He never said it would be.  This morning, this passage kept running through my head since I first woke up.  During my quiet time, it came up in one of the devotionals I read.  If that wasn't God speaking to me, then I don't know what is.

When I came across it in the devotional after having it on my mind since I woke up, I knew that God was getting my attention to remind me that He is still there for me.  Regardless of what people of the world may say about my faith, or my love for them, He is still there and promising to comfort and protect me from the attacks of the enemy, who just wants to steal, kill, and destroy my joy in the Lord (John 10:10).

These joy-killers won't win, because I have the strength and power of Jesus Christ on my side.  He has already achieved the final victory, so I have nothing to fear.  Things may happen over the next few weeks that try to convince me that I am on the losing side, but I know that's not true.  I'm on the right side.  I'm on the side that will provide comfort, shelter, and rest during the tough times, because He loves me, because I am His child.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for Your guarantees of love, comfort, and rest in Your shadow.  Thank You for being my refuge when I need You the most.  I pray that I will continue to seek You and Your righteousness first above all else, because when I do, I will know that I am doing it right.  I pray for those that don't know You.  I pray for those that think it's wrong to offer prayer for someone whether or not they ask for it.  I know that praying for those that don't know You and need You should be one of the most important things on my list.  We are all Your children, whether we realize it or not.  Whether we acknowledge it or not.  And I will continue to pray for all of Your children regardless of the circumstances I am in, because I already have my rest, refuge, and safety in You because of Your unfailing love and faithfulness.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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