Friday, May 16, 2014

Comfort Zones

Acts 2:46 - They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity.

The beginning of the Church was a house to house movement.  The people still went to the Temple to worship God, but the Church was more about doing life together in each other's homes.

Earlier this year, I joined a home Bible study group with people from my church.  And it has been one of the best things I have ever done.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am not one for groups.  Since I was a young child, I have always been one of those 'Does not play well with others' type, and I was always very content with that.  That's the beauty of God, though.  He doesn't just want us to step out and be different, He shows us how to step out of our comfort zones, and live how He has always wanted us to live.

A couple of years ago, I was part of an online Bible study group.  We were originally scheduled for a 6 or 7 month study, and wound up lasting a year and a half.  That's God working right there.  We enjoyed studying His word and spending time with each other every week, that we just kept going.  I am still friends with the amazing people I was in that study with.

This time it's different.  Doing things in person together, has really gotten me to open up more and really share my life with them.  People say that it's easier to be open when you're online because no one really knows the real you, and the 'real you' can be whoever you want it to be.  But I disagree.  I am more open and real when I am in person.  I honestly never expected to be that way, either.  I am one of those ones that tends to clam up a bit in social situations (groups), but I haven't been that way.  God has really done a work on me to get me out of my traditional comfort zone.  As a result, I have grown much closer to Him and my personal time with Him as gotten so much better.

I have been so blessed by the love and the desire to know God more, of the people in both of the study groups I have been a part of.  Sometimes I wonder if I have received more blessings than someone should receive, but I'll let God decide that.  In the mean time, I'll enjoy every minute I have with these people, sharing life together outside of our comfort zones, and in His love.

Dear Father, thank You so much for the amazing blessings You have rained down on me through the people You have put in my life.  They are such great people after Your heart, and I love to hear their perspectives every week, and how they are growing closer to You.  Thank You for being there with us every week as we study Your Word, and seek to be closer to You.  I pray for their continued safety and protection from the enemy.  I pray for those that haven't stepped out of their comfort zones.  My prayer is that fear won't rule their lives, and they will be open to You more and follow the paths You have for them, regardless of what they prefer to do.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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