Saturday, May 17, 2014


Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

God is faithful, just, and loving that He provides for everything we could need when we seek His righteousness and will before everything else.

Are you any good at multi-tasking?  I am.  Well I always thought I was.  I can have a lot of things on my plate at work, and get it all done, almost at the same time.  I could be having a conversation with someone and type an e-mail without breaking my train of thought in either.  Until I get an e-mail back 10 minutes later from someone asking me why I sent them the e-mail to begin with...whoops wrong person...

Come to think of it, I kind of stink at multi-tasking.  That e-mail incident has happened more than a few times (you think I'd learn).  I've caught myself working on one project at work without any success on, only to realize that I was doing stuff for a different project.  I really do stink at multi-tasking.

When I first started to take my relationship with Christ seriously, I would be sitting down and studying His word, only to jump at the ring of my phone or to answer a text message.  When I would come back to the Bible, I had lost my place and couldn't remember where I had left off.  Re-reading the same passage over and over again (especially in books like Numbers...sorry God) can be aggravating.  Now it's different.  When I sit down to read the Bible, I tune everything out, which is something I am actually pretty good at much to the chagrin of some people.

Sometimes it seems that as soon as I crack open my Bible every morning, my phone really comes alive.  It's like people know when I am engaged with Christ so that they can start trying to distract me right then.  Of course they don't, but I'm sure the enemy knows.  Satan isn't all knowing, but there is plenty he does know, and he excels at distracting us from seeking God's righteousness.  He loves to distract us from anything that would be good for us.  My job isn't life-saving or crucial to the advancement of society.  At least not directly.  We ship textbooks to schools.  It's not brain surgery, but it is important.  Where would kids be without an education?  In the firm grips of the enemy, more than likely.

When I allow myself to get distracted by trying to multi-task at work, I'm not giving my best to the kids that our department serves.  And they suffer for that.  When I get distracted in my quiet time with God, I'm not giving Him my best that he certainly deserves, and I suffer for that.  When I'm worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, or how am I going to eat, or things like that, I am not giving myself the attention I need in the moment, and I end up short changing myself.  Jesus said it best in this section of Scripture (Matthew 6:31-34).  I don't need to worry about anything, because God already knows everything I need and has it all planned out for me.  I just need to seek His will and His righteousness, and He will provide for me far more abundantly (Ephesians 3:20) than I could ever try and figure out on my own...all at once.  I have to remind myself to stop, take a breath, and take it all one step at a time.

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me that I can't accomplish everything all at once.  Thank You for the promise that You will provide and accomplish everything far and above what I could ever need when I am seeking Your will and righteousness before everything.  I pray for those that are being distracted by the enemy.  My prayer is that they will see the distractions for what they are, and cast them away so that they can focus on You and Your will for their lives.  I know that we can accomplish anything by Your strength, and I pray that we will continue to draw on that for everything we need.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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