Thursday, May 15, 2014

Praise Him in the Hallway

Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light and salvation - so why should I be afraid?  The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

God will always be our light in this dark world.  He will always protect us from whatever our enemies try to do to us.

For David, he was obviously concerned about the physical pain that his enemies had planned for him (Saul, Absalom).  But what about emotional, spiritual, or psychological pain our enemies try to inflict on us?  Will God take care of that too?  You bet he will!

God doesn't want any of us to be hurting.  When we are living for Him, when our hearts are seeking His will and purpose, He is always faithful to protect us.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs" (Matthew 5:10).  He is always looking for a way to bless us.

People may ask, how can a husband beating on his wife be God's will. isn't.  That is the husband using his free will to operate outside of God's plan.  How can me losing my job for no reason be God's will?  God doesn't want you to suffer.  When He closes a door, it's because He wants you in a different room.  I saw a picture once that said, "Until God opens the door He wants you to go through, praise Him in the hallway."  That's an awesome way to look at it.

With my job situation being what it has been the last couple of months, and more specifically this last week or two, I know that my days there are probably numbered.  And I am perfectly fine with that.  I know that whatever happens is all part of God's plan, and I will just praise Him in the hallway until the new door opens.  I had a situation come up yesterday that made me realize that my days are numbered, and you know what, I slept like a baby last night.

Some might think, "Well it must be nice to be independently wealthy and not have to work."  Materially speaking, nothing could be further from the truth.  I need a job.  Like everyone else, I have bills to pay, rent to pay.  Eternally speaking, I am a rich man.  I have the God of Heaven that will faithfully provide for me because He loves me.  He will keep the light on with His light of salvation.  He will keep me safe and protected by covering me in His fortress.  What do I have to worry about, when I have the Lord of Heaven's Armies on my side?

Dear Father, I thank You for your light and Your protection.  I am beyond blessed that You are so loving and faithful to me.  I could never deserve it, but I accept Your free gift with gratitude and thanksgiving.  I pray for those that can't see Your light through the darkness in their world.  My prayer is that You will open their eyes to see just how much You love them and want to bless them.  Be with them today and protect them as they go through their trials and tribulations, as You are always faithful to do for those You love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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