Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Just Passing Through

1 Peter 1:6 - So be truly glad.  There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.

I love Peter's reminder that no matter what we go through - whether it is physical, emotional, or psychological pain - it is all temporary.  Peter compares the suffering we are going through and will go through to gold being refined and purified in fire (verse 7).  But Peter promises that there is wonderful joy ahead.

Paul talked about this quite a bit as well.  In 2 Corinthians 4:17 Paul said that our troubles are small and won't last.  I really liked how Paul said that the glory that they produce outweighs them and will last forever.  These are both great reminders that nothing can hurt us.  It will all get better.

Easier said than done, right?  It can be so hard to see things down the road when you're going through a hard time.  It feels like it is next to impossible to see the good that will come out of a trial.  We get stuck in a situation and it just feels like there is no end to it.

I have been dealing with a tough situation at work for the last 6 months, that has tested just about every bit of patience and understanding that I have.  Looking at things with an eternal perspective is the key to me keeping my sanity and I have a hard time keeping that perspective sometimes..  Keeping my heart and mind focused on the great things God has planned for me is what gets me going every day.  I have to remind myself every day that this is nothing compared to the glory that God will reveal to me (Romans 8:18).  Coming across Scripture like this really helps.

The Romans verse is written on my whiteboard in my office, so that I see it every time I walk in.  This particular verse from 1 Peter I came across twice in two different devotionals this morning.  No one can tell me that God isn't trying to get my attention and remind of His promise to me.  I love when God speaks to me like that.  It refreshes me and reminds me that no matter what trial I am going through, I am just passing through to His greater plan for me and His glory.

Dear Lord, thank You for speaking to me.  I cannot thank You enough for everything You have done for me, and everything You have promised me.  Because of Your promise to make me stronger and see me through, I know I am just passing through this rough patch into greater things that will bring You greater glory.  I pray for those that have a hard time seeing things with an eternal perspective.  My prayer is that they will hear from You through Your Word or prayer, or perhaps You will put someone in their path with a message from You that reminds them that this too shall pass.  I pray that they will focus their hearts on You for their deliverance.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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