Friday, June 20, 2014

Attitude Check

2 Kings 4:31 - Gehazi hurried on ahead and laid the staff on the child's face, but nothing happened.  There was no sign of life.  He returned to meet Elisha and told him, "The child is still dead."

Why wasn't Gehazi able to heal the boy as Elisha eventually did?  He had his instructions from Elisha, and he had the prophet's tools, and he followed the instructions.  But he couldn't make them work for him like Elisha did.  Why was that?

I believe it was because Gehazi had the wrong motives.  He was in the business he was in as this great prophet's assistant just to get rich, and God knew that, because God knows our hearts.  We see in the next chapter, that Gehazi believed that he and Elisha should be getting paid for what they were doing.  When things weren't happening the way he thought they should be, he deceived Naaman in order to make a quick buck.  And he eventually paid a price for that.

How often are our hearts pointed in the wrong direction?  I have caught myself more times than I care to count saying, "Ok, I'll do it because I'm sure that's what I'm supposed to do."  It may be what I am supposed to do, but not with that attitude.  The Apostle Paul tells us that God loves a person who gives cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).  That doesn't just apply to giving.  I believe that it applies to everything, including doing.  It's all about our attitude.

I want to be a cheerful doer of God's Word.  Not a begrudging and reluctant one.  God doesn't want me to do it if my heart isn't it.  And who could blame Him?  I know if I was asking someone to do something and they responded like that, I would tell them nevermind.  I wouldn't want that attitude put into it, because it won't be done right and it won't turn out the way it should.  I have to apply that to my own heart and motives too.  I know that I don't have the abilities to do certain things, but with God on my side, it becomes 99% attitude and the faith of a mustard seed to accomplish all things by His power.  I pray that I give myself an attitude check every time I feel like not doing something I have been called to.

Dear Father, thank You for putting me in check.  I needed this today (and many other days).  I am so grateful for Your loving reminders to keep my attitude and heart focused on You, so that I am being a cheerful doer of Your Word, and not a reluctant one.  I pray for those that have their focus in the wrong places, and are only doing because they feel obligated to.  My prayer is that they will realize that we should never do out of obligation, but out of love.  As You gave Your Son as a sacrifice, You did it out of love and not obligation, I pray that we all show that love to everyone.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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