Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Luke 6:35 - "Love your enemies!  Do good to them.  Lend to them without expecting to be repaid.  Then your reward from Heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked."

What exactly is altruism?  According to the dictionary, it is the practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (I looked it up to be accurate).  Jesus' words here in Luke's Gospel give a pretty accurate example of altruism.

I'd say that God is very altruistic.  After all, He gave His only Son as a free and willing sacrifice to redeem us, even though we were still sinners (Romans 5:8) and might not even love Him back and accept His free gift.

Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins considers altruism to be nothing more than genetic selfishness.  In other words, we do for others in order to keep our species alive.  There is also reciprocal altruism where someone behaves altruistically with expectations of reciprocation.  These, by definition, are not altruism, regardless of how they are labeled.  Unfortunately, they are the prevailing thought among a large portion of society.  We are, and have been for some time, a 'what have you done for me lately' culture.

We have to share, give, and love, without expecting anything in return if we want to be doing it right.  This is something I have struggled with a lot throughout my life.  When I start acting this way, I have felt the Holy Spirit convict me in my heart that I am not acting the way Christ would act.  I am thankful and blessed by the conviction, because I want to have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).  Although I know I won't have it while I am on earth, it is the prize I am striving for (Philippians 3:14).

I know I can be better.  God has called me to love, give, and share, without expectations of reward or reciprocity.  I trust that the more I keep my heart focused on His will, I will be better.  He will give me what I need to carry out His will, and share His love.

Dear Abba Father, search my motives and remove anything that doesn't reflect Your will.  I want to give and love without any expectation of reward, as You do and demonstrated for us by sacrificing Your Son for all of us.  I know I can be more like Jesus with Your help, and I trust that You will give me the strength and courage to think and act differently than the world says I should.  I pray for those that share this struggle with me.  My prayer is that they will seek You in prayer and ask that You search their heart for misguided motives, and replace them with Your will for them - to love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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