Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Total Obedience

Romans 11:29 - For God's gifts and His call can never be withdrawn.

One of the many great and awesome things I love about God, is that He never changes.  We can count Him to be the same loving and merciful God forever.  He doesn't withdraw His love for and towards us when we make mistakes and He doesn't change His mind about His calling on our lives either.

It's very easy for us to think that when things don't happen the way God was leading us that it's because He changed His mind.  It's a very convenient way to think about it.  Well that's simply not the case.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  If things aren't happening a certain way, it's because we aren't being fully obedient to Him.

Jesus told us that all of those who love Him will do what He says, and that when we are obedient, God will will be with them, and the Holy Spirit will guide and teach them (John 14:23-26).  But the trick is that we need to be totally obedient.  We can't cut corners on certain things.  As humans living in this fast-paced culture, we always look for ways to cut corners.  I know I sure do.  I looooooove making things easier on myself.

God will always love us.  That is a given.  But if we aren't living our lives wholly committed to Him, and in total obedience to Him, He won't bless our efforts.  Some might say, "Well that's not fair."  Well let me ask you this.  If you're employee or your child doesn't do what you say, do you approve?  Of course not.  Why would you?  We are told to live our lives as a living and holy sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1).  That means we need to be sold out in our obedience to Him.

God loved us enough to sacrifice His only Son for us even though we were sinners and separated from Him (Romans 5:8).  He didn't have to, He wanted to.  We are told time and again in the Old Testament that God loves us and wants us to be reconciled to Him.  He wanted to demonstrate that love for us, so that we would finally realize, "Hey maybe He was serious about that."  Of course He was.

When He tells us to do A, B, C, and D in order to carry out His work and His will for us.  We need to do A, B, C, and D.  Not just A, B, half of C, and most of D.  I remember a movie I saw where this guy was given this list of things to do that would help restore his marriage.  When he was about halfway through, he was going over the list with a friend and trying to figure out why it wasn't working yet.  One of the items on that list, was to pray for his wife.  Right after he read that on the list he said, "I kinda skipped that one."  That was the problem.  There was the disconnect.

Although he didn't receive the list from God directly, it was certainly something that God wanted him to do.  Why?  Because God wanted restoration for that marriage.  But since he wasn't wholly committed to doing the work that was certainly from God, he wasn't experiencing the blessings of renewal in his marriage from his wife.  Now, I'm not one to normally talk about marriage.  In fact, I'm probably the last person anyone should ever go to for marriage advice.  I'm just using this as an illustration.

Am I truly committed to being totally obedient to God's calling on my life, and not looking for shortcuts to His blessings?

Dear Heavenly Father, search my heart and remove anything that isn't completely committed to You.  I want to be completely sold out for the work You want to do in and through me, and I can only do that by being totally obedient to You.  I pray for those that are trying to find shortcuts to Your blessings.  My prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will stir in their hearts, and show them that there are no shortcuts available, and that Your blessings only come through complete obedience to You.  I pray that we are all not just seeking Your will, but desiring to completely do Your will as well.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

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