Friday, September 19, 2014

A Bountiful Harvest

Psalm 126:6 - They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.

When God calls us to join Him where He is at work, it not only requires obedience, but there is also a cost involved.  That cost to be paid, is not only high for us but also those around us.  Our friends and family have to pay it too.  But God makes it all worth it.

If, for instance, God calls us to pick up and leave where we are, and leave our lives behind, that's hard to do.  Even more so if we have families that have to be uprooted.  It can cause us to weep as we go to plant our seed for His Kingdom.

So how does He make it worth it?  With a bountiful harvest.  When we are obedient, God blesses the harvest we reap as we return from doing the work for His Kingdom.  Jesus told us that He would give us a life abundant (John 10:10).  He also told us not to worry about things because we would be provided for (Mark 6:7-12).

I am very close to my sister.  She is the only family I have close to me and that I see on a regular basis.  Over the last few years she has really become my best friend.  If God calls me to get up and go to do work for the Kingdom that would take me far away from her, it would be hard.  Does that mean I won't go?  No.  I pray every day that God would continue to work on my heart so that I would be obedient to His calling.  Leaving her behind to answer God's call for my life would not be easy in any stretch of the imagination.  But I know it would be worth it.  I would be planting the seed, and reaping a bountiful harvest.

Imagine if you have a family.  A wife and small children, perhaps.  That would have to be even tougher.  You're not only uprooting yourself, you've got others that you're responsible for that have to be uprooted from their lives.  Since I don't have that, it is impossible for me to imagine what that must be like to go through.  But I can imagine the bountiful harvest that would be reaped for the Kingdom when people like that respond in faith and obedience.  What a blessing.

I will continue to pray for strength in faith and obedience that we all would respond to God's call and not fret over the cost that may come with it.  We may cry a bit when we go to plant our seed, but the bountiful harvest that will be reaped for His Kingdom will make it worth it, and cause us to sing for joy.

Abba Father, thank You for reminding me that everything I do for You and Your Heavenly Kingdom is worth it, and will be blessed by You when I respond in faith.  I pray for the strength and courage to respond obediently to Your calling.  I pray for those that are struggling to respond in obedience.  Perhaps they feel that the cost is too high to pay.  My prayer is that You will work on their heart through the Holy Spirit to show them that the cost they will have to pay is never too high, but beyond worth it.  I pray that we remember that no cost is too high for us to pay after the cost You paid to save us.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!

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